Per Woodbury's interview yesterday, sounds like recruiting is wide open (top 5)

People: Alford got the top Iowa kids. Now some of these kids did not pan out and it became obvious you also need a good dose of out of state recruits. But he got the local guys. Basically, Mr. Basketball in Iowa was Alford's to lose every year.

That wasn't his problem, although his problems were many.

Oof. That isn't something to brag about. Or am I underselling the Clayton Vette/Josh Van Es era?

I count 13 out of 30 guys on that list that actually contributed to a major college program.
Yep, not much to hang your hat on there. That is why when the Hinrichs, Collisons, Horners, Olivers, Barnes, Paiges, Woodburys, etc come along you have to be able to keep them home.
Might also be a factor in Alford's struggles. Just not a very good talent pool in Iowa during his tenure. He got Worley, Henderson, Horner, Brunner, and Reed.
Brunner, Horner, and to a lesser extent Henderson, helped him go undefeated at home in league. The rest were truly unremarkable.

But Alford's good teams had a highly productive in-state kid.

The only true whiff was Bohannon.
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You are forgetting Haluska..

Might also be a factor in Alford's struggles. Just not a very good talent pool in Iowa during his tenure. He got Worley, Henderson, Horner, Brunner, and Reed.
Brunner, Horner, and to a lesser extent Henderson, helped him go undefeated at home in league. The rest were truly unremarkable.

But Alford's good teams had a highly productive in-state kid.

The only true whiff was Bohannon.

Horner, Haluska and Brunner were probably the best Iowa class of the last 15 years (I could be wrong). all top 100 players in the same class. Alford ended up with all 3 of them (albeit after Haluska had a year at ISU), and they were the core of the Big 10 tournament title team that finished second in the regular season.

You can't win in the Big 10 or Big 12 with only Iowa kids, but the state produces the elite-level player enough that if you can get the majority of those guys you have a nice core to your team. If a team (say Iowa) were to get Paige, Jok, Woodbury and Gessel in the next two classes that would be the core of a team that could be in the upper division of the league. The problem is that Iowa and ISU have been down for so long that the in-state kids don't look at those schools as their top option if they want to win.
Re: You are forgetting Haluska..

Horner, Haluska and Brunner were probably the best Iowa class of the last 15 years (I could be wrong). all top 100 players in the same class. Alford ended up with all 3 of them (albeit after Haluska had a year at ISU), and they were the core of the Big 10 tournament title team that finished second in the regular season.

You can't win in the Big 10 or Big 12 with only Iowa kids, but the state produces the elite-level player enough that if you can get the majority of those guys you have a nice core to your team. If a team (say Iowa) were to get Paige, Jok, Woodbury and Gessel in the next two classes that would be the core of a team that could be in the upper division of the league. The problem is that Iowa and ISU have been down for so long that the in-state kids don't look at those schools as their top option if they want to win.

+1. Couldn't agree more. Especially regarding the fact that our program has been lousy for too long for us to be at the top of even the in-state kids' lists. We're going to have to earn our way back to the point where kids grow up wanting to be Hawkeyes again. The way it used to be in the 80's and 90's.
Five pages of trying to read into the comments of a 17 year old kid. For the life of me I can't understand what (allegedly grown men) do this.
Woodbury would be nice get but we are pretty down right now. I don't think missing on Woodbury is necessarily a sign Fran won't get it done here. Remember, the last time we went down the path of losing the best player in the state we made a coaching change and ended with one 10-win season followed by one 11-win season.

If I'm Woodbury I would wait things out on O$U. Tatoogate my hurt more than the football program.
Couple things that have not been mentioned here in respect to Woodbury. He has not ruled out Iowa and it would not surprise me if he takes all his visits. This would comapre to what Oglesby did, he didn't have a whole lot to say about Iowa, but there was no question he was going to Iowa, just didn't lead on...maybe Adam is doing the same, he should.
Secondly, the state of Iowa is producing better players today than it has in its history. Yes there has been some great players from the state, but the depth is better. The money that is poured into AAU today is the difference and look at how all Iowa kid teams are doing, pretty good. Yeah Gesell is on one of those teams, he just lives on the other side of town or he would be an "Iowa" kid. Anyway, my point is they see high level competition outside of high school and have been doing well. The overall basketball development within the state is much better than is was 15 years ago. In the past with players being nationally ranked, it was questionable, but today with being able to see kids from all around matchup with kids in their respective classes, they have done well. Does that always translate into a good or great college career? Absolutely not, the kid still has to develop on campus.
Third, whoever said there were no flagship programs is absolutely right, Iowa and ISU will be battling for that spot sooner rather than later and most likely, will be on the same level and the game each year will be a battle and fun to watch, much like last year's game. Iowa/ISU are getting better players than UNI/Drake and each school has a quality coach with a quality staff. Clones: I didn't say Fred was GOD, he is a quality coach, meaning it looks like he will be better than the previous coach...that is all I mean.
Woodbury would be nice get but we are pretty down right now. I don't think missing on Woodbury is necessarily a sign Fran won't get it done here. Remember, the last time we went down the path of losing the best player in the state we made a coaching change and ended with one 10-win season followed by one 11-win season.

If I'm Woodbury I would wait things out on O$U. Tatoogate my hurt more than the football program.

Because those sanctions carry over to the basketball program? That is one of the biggest reaches I have seen.
Because those sanctions carry over to the basketball program? That is one of the biggest reaches I have seen.

Well considering how well Matta recruits, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the NCAA took a good look at the basketball program, too. I'm not saying that Matta is dirty, just that the NCAA could decide to take a look, since they're already in the neighborhood.
Yep, not much to hang your hat on there. That is why when the Hinrichs, Collisons, Horners, Olivers, Barnes, Paiges, Woodburys, etc come along you have to be able to keep them home.

We don't have to land every top in state prospect to get the program back to respectability. This is complete fool's gold. At the end of the day, does anyone care if we make the NCAA tournament with 2 Iowa kids or 5 Iowa kids? I don't. We need the best players available nationally that a: fill a void and b: want to come here. No doubt our struggles have made leaving an easy choice, but I don't know too many programs that are going to keep an in state kid at home if KU or UNC come calling. Florida loses kids to Duke, Ohio loses kids to KY, NY loses kids to everybody, etc.
Well if Meyer has a break out senior season you can fully expect the poachers to be out in full force.

I have seen articles saying he had an offer from Clemson, clearly a better program than Iowa at this point and others say he didn't have an offer, not sure what to believe there, but Clemson was in his final choices and he said yes to Iowa.
It would be nice to get Woodbury, but I'm not convinced that he will have a better career than Mel. It will be hard for Woodbury to top Mel's first year in college. We will get a quality player whether it's Woodbury or someone we haven't heard about yet. I have a lot of confidence in Coach!
It would be nice to get Woodbury, but I'm not convinced that he will have a better career than Mel. It will be hard for Woodbury to top Mel's first year in college. We will get a quality player whether it's Woodbury or someone we haven't heard about yet. I have a lot of confidence in Coach!