Peeps are saying that Joe T is better than advertised

I assure you CJF is not quicker than Moss.
I just wish Moss would have used that quickness more often, especially taking it to the rim more often on offense. He always reminded me a little bit of James Moses but James took it inside a lot more often by the time he was a senior.
Joe T and Connor fit more at the 1 th as n at the 2. Evelyn has the shooting ability to play off ball more. Also his assist to turnover ratio in a mid major conference was not good. I believe most minutes that he gets will be at the 2. Now maybe Connor has greatly improved his 3PT shot or Joe T is a threat to score from 3 consistently. Then Evelyn at the 1 could make sense at times.

evelyn is a sg and can spend some minutes at pg if necessary.
I just wish Moss would have used that quickness more often, especially taking it to the rim more often on offense. He always reminded me a little bit of James Moses but James took it inside a lot more often by the time he was a senior.
Moss liked the long jump shot, floating around the three point line, and then taking a break on the defensive end to rest a bit. With exceptions this was his default setting.
I just hope one of these guys can bring to the team quickness to defend and to break down opponents defenses down and take it to the rack.

Until that happens just finishing as high as third in the conference is going to be a huge challenge.
I just wish Moss would have used that quickness more often, especially taking it to the rim more often on offense. He always reminded me a little bit of James Moses but James took it inside a lot more often by the time he was a senior.

Moss couldn't dribble well enough to take it to the rim more often unfortunately.
Moss couldn't dribble well enough to take it to the rim more often unfortunately.
Especially in the open court. He would get his head too far out over his skis and lose control of the ball.

He was a little better in the half court, best example being the floater he hit in the lane late in the Northwestern game just before Bohannon's three point heroics.
Iowa is better without Moss and Cook, who are now at Kansas and on a two-way NBA contract, respectively.

Purdue lost Swanigan and was way better the next year. That's one of about a million examples of teams being better after losing a really good player. You're post is obviously mocking people who are optimistic about next year and I'm not sure why. Do you really think it's that far fetched to be a better team after losing Moss and Cook? Far fetched enough to mock the posters who think they can be?
Purdue lost Swanigan and was way better the next year. That's one of about a million examples of teams being better after losing a really good player. You're post is obviously mocking people who are optimistic about next year and I'm not sure why. Do you really think it's that far fetched to be a better team after losing Moss and Cook? Far fetched enough to mock the posters who think they can be?

Actually, I'm sick and tired of people picking apart and dumping on the games of two players that busted their asses for this program, stayed out of any off-court drama and represented the Hawkeyes with class. Both played important roles in getting the program within a few plays of the Sweet 16 for the first time since Mr. Davis coached here.

Did they have flaws to their games? Sure. Every player at this level has flaws. Yet people continue to harp on these two guys on this board like they stole their girlfriends.

Give it an f'n rest already. If you want to look forward to next season, do so without picking on two guys to make yourself feel better.
Actually, I'm sick and tired of people picking apart and dumping on the games of two players that busted their asses for this program, stayed out of any off-court drama and represented the Hawkeyes with class. Both played important roles in getting the program within a few plays of the Sweet 16 for the first time since Mr. Davis coached here.

Did they have flaws to their games? Sure. Every player at this level has flaws. Yet people continue to harp on these two guys on this board like they stole their girlfriends.

Give it an f'n rest already. If you want to look forward to next season, do so without picking on two guys to make yourself feel better.

How would you suggest to rebuttal to posts that say we will suck next year? A lot of the same posters who ripped on Bohannon, Moss, and Cook while they were here are now posting like they are impossible to replace.
I just wish Moss would have used that quickness more often, especially taking it to the rim more often on offense. He always reminded me a little bit of James Moses but James took it inside a lot more often by the time he was a senior.

James Moses is a good comp. I wouldn't call it quickness per se he had a decent first step which you wish he would have used more of to take people off the dribble.
James Moses is a good comp. I wouldn't call it quickness per se he had a decent first step which you wish he would have used more of to take people off the dribble.
Moss did have a much quicker release than Moses. James, because of the slow release, got off his jumper under duress quite a bit. He really struggled his sophomore year after Ray Thompson was academically dismissed. He put even more pressure on himself to help pick up the slack.

He was helped his junior year by the presence of Val Barnes and the emergence of Acie Earl amd Rodell Davis. He could go back to hiding in the corner and letting it come to him a little more often. When Street came on late that helped him even more.

In the end he had a pretty underrated career with some memorable moments in big games. He probably had a better Iowa career than the much hyped Kenyon Murray, who immediately succeeded him.
congrats! dumbest comment on the thread. you win.
Dumb in what way? Iowa doesn't have the fastest team in the BIG, that's been on this message board posted by many for a couple years now. I don't feel Joe will have any problems "adjusting" to Iowa's speed. He might have issues with the elete PGs in the conference, but I think he won't have problems keeping up with Iowa quicksilvers like Garza and Conner. You sir need pouncing lessons.
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I'm not saying Pat's wrong (I really hope it's true), but if there was an Iowa journalists version of the real housewives TV show, he would be the star hands down. That guy is 100% butthurt drama on Twitter. Too many times to count when he's been triggered by someone actually agreeing with him. I don't know the guy personally but I suspect he could use some counseling or medication.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to seeing Toussaint play.

You never cease to amaze me?

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