Overall this decade has been a disaster for Iowa football

Ugh that’s such an ISU mindset. In reality Iowa has to win 3-4 games per year against B10 bottom feeders to make a bowl game. Not that hard to make a bowl game in this era and the Insight Bowl and even the Outback at this point are the equivalent of participation trophies. And it’s not like a 3-6 record in bowl games (largely mediocre bowls Pinstripe lol) hurts my argument.

ISU would give a left nut to have a taste of this disastrous decade
It’s not that it “doesn’t count,” it’s that it’s overvalued and gives the impression that Iowa football has been better during the last decade than it has been in reality. It’s a statistical anomaly compared to the past 10 seasons and there’s recency bias in play.

Welp, lets take out Iowa's best year every decade and jeeez guess what, Iowa doesn't look nearly as good any longer. No shit Sherlock.

I mean dude, step back and actually think about that you are saying. Then punch yourself in the face for continuing to be this ****ing stupid.
Ugh that’s such an ISU mindset. In reality Iowa has to win 3-4 games per year against B10 bottom feeders to make a bowl game. Not that hard to make a bowl game in this era and the Insight Bowl and even the Outback at this point are the equivalent of participation trophies. And it’s not like a 3-6 record in bowl games (largely mediocre bowls Pinstripe lol) hurts my argument.

Hold on, in your argument do bowl games count or not count? I'm gonna need an apendix that spells out what we can look at and what we can't look at when judging the last decade of Iowa football.
Hey @STLhawkeye20 can we take a real look at the last decade from right now, since 2019 isn't completed? So actually the last decade is 2009-2018. Let me know what you come up with. Thanks in advance.
Sorry that I touched a nerve @deanvogs but I’m not calling anyone stupid or a moron. I’m still waiting to hear from you what you think Iowa has won of significance since 2010.
Sorry that I touched a nerve @deanvogs but I’m not calling anyone stupid or a moron. I’m still waiting to hear from you what you think Iowa has won of significance since 2010.

Have they won enough? No they have left some wins on the field. but to call it a disaster is a very poor choice of words. We all would like to win more but the last decade has not been remotely close to a disaster.
Have they won enough? No they have left some wins on the field. but to call it a disaster is a very poor choice of words. We all would like to win more but the last decade has not been remotely close to a disaster.

Still no specifics on what Iowa has won of significance? Waiting.
Since the B10 split into divisions IA is 38 - 29 in B10 play going into this season. 57% winning percentage.
That ties IA for 6th in the B10 for wins - tied with NW with an identical record during that same time frame.One game better than NE who is in 8th place.

W L %
OSU 58 9 87%
W 50 17 75%
MSU 45 22 67%
M 44 23 66%
PSU 43 24 64%
IA 38 29 57%
NW 38 29 57%
NE 37 30 55%
Still no specifics on what Iowa has won of significance? Waiting.

Listen, I'm not the one making up rules about what is a win. I'm so turned around, does 2015 count or not count? Do wins count if you didn't win the B1G? Do non conference wins count? Do trophy game wins count? Do Bowl games count?

I mean with all your rules of course Iowa hasn't won anything of significance. I say all games are significant, so Iowa has won plenty of significant games.
2010-2019 = 77-49 = 61% winning percentage
2000-2009 = 80-45 = 64% winning percentage
1990-1999 = 62-53 = 53% winning percentage
1980-1989 = 77-40 = 65% winning percentage

literally the last 4 decades are disasters pretty much.
If anything, this pattern indicates that were due or an upturn!
Fry's legacy is certainly way greater than Ferentz. How many times have we seen in sports that when the all time legacy coach steps down, the program goes to shit. I'm not sure why Ferentz doesn't get more credit for keeping what Fry built at the same level Fry kept it.
Because there can only be one trailblazer. Alvarez's successors went the a similar predicament. Even Tom Osborne didnt replace Bob Devaney in the hearts of many until well into the nineties.

If the University ever gets around to naming the Kinnick field in honor of a coach there is no doubt it should be named after Fry over Ferentz. Kirk can get the twelfth floor of the children's hospital.
Welp, lets take out Iowa's best year every decade and jeeez guess what, Iowa doesn't look nearly as good any longer. No shit Sherlock.

I mean dude, step back and actually think about that you are saying. Then punch yourself in the face for continuing to be this ****ing stupid.
Agree. I mean while were we're at it let's take out 1985 and 1991 and see how those decades shake out.
Listen, I'm not the one making up rules about what is a win. I'm so turned around, does 2015 count or not count? Do wins count if you didn't win the B1G? Do non conference wins count? Do trophy game wins count? Do Bowl games count?

I mean with all your rules of course Iowa hasn't won anything of significance. I say all games are significant, so Iowa has won plenty of significant games.

It’s just been a disaster