I think there's about a 50% chance that Davis has just gotten old and the game has slipped from him a little bit, and there's a 50% chance Iowa just seriously lacked talent, especially at WR. His offenses were very good, sometimes even great, for the better part of 20 years, but 2010 rolled around and his offense at Texas all of a sudden sucked. Then he comes to Iowa after a year off, and his offense sucks again, so maybe he's slipping; however, I think we all can acknowledge that Iowa doesn't have the WR speed that was in place at Texas or that would have been in place at UNC or UGA. Davis himself said from day 1 in the Spring of '12 that Iowa needed to seriously upgrade the WR speed, and the coaches made a concerted effort to recruit that last year, bringing in 7 guys who will likely be considered for WR spots.