OT: Usernames

Sold airplanes for a living for a number of years
Not a pilot nor an airplane salesman, but my one weird talent (everyone has one) is that I can identify pretty much any modern airplane by sight. Definitely any US, Russian, or European military aircraft or twin/4 engine commercial airliner. It’s weird, I know.

I always wanted to be a pilot growing up and from the earliest I can remember, before even preschool age, I ravenously read or looked at every aviation book I could find. It never stopped as I got older.

I can tell an F-18A/C model from an E/F model from a hell of a long ways away, I can look at an F-16 and even tell you which block of engine production it is from some subtle clues. C5 Galaxy A/B/C models from C5M (upgraded from the T39 engines to the CF6 that are on the 767 and 747, et al).

I can identify all Boeing planes from the 707 up through the 787 including all the dash numbers (some of the 777s are tough because they’re the same length), Airbus—same thing. I can tell you an A320 neo from a legacy model, and differentiate on sight between a Pratt&Whitney, Rolls Royce, or GE engine on any airliner (without seeing their emblems). Also Embraer, Bombardier, McDonnell Douglas planes, you name it.

I could also identify at least the manufacturer/model from cockpit pictures. The dash classifications are pretty impossible from just a single cockpit picture but I could more than likely narrow it down.

It’s the absolute weirdest thing in the world to be ultra nerd-level proficient in, and it’s worth nothing more than stumping people who don’t believe you. I wish I could operate the stock market like that. I’m a walking stupid human trick.
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My name was selected as an accoutrement to my first ever post on here. Old Man Miller had run me off the old Scout Board and I had to go incognito, so I knew if I rolled in with balls deep support of Coach Alford, still the program's winningest coach in Big Ten Tournament play, I knew he would sniff me out and ban me immediately. So I had to jump on the O'Keefe bandwagon. We were 7-0 and the offense was humming back on October 19, 2009 when I joined. My first ever post on HN:


The first reply made me laugh out loud.

Your nuts.
Nothing original here. Polecat Hawk might have been fun growing up near the Skunk River and its original name. Maybe could have done Guitar Hawk. I'm more conservative than some here think I am. Hawk Gold. Pretty lame and conservative.
This has been doen before but not in a long, long time. We're due for a revisit.

Where did your username come from? What were you thinking of when you entered it signing up?

Mine is a complete ripoff. I saw a shirt from RAYGUN in Des Moines that said FRYOWA on it and I thought it was funny so I stole it. I'm not smart or funny enough to think of something like that.
My undergraduate degree is in graphic arts. I got into that track around the same time computers started making a big impact in that industry. I spent a lot of time dealing w/ the various raster scan formats. My initials are the same as M$'s file extension for their raster format which they call a "bitmap". Works for me even though I am now a flight test engineer. Go figure...
Yeah Corinth is one of the places we go to watch movies sometimes. I can get there in less then an hour. Last time I went there was to watch the Globetrotters do their thing. Which was a great time btw I don't care how old you are they are awesome.

I actually played against the Globetrotters years ago in Wells Fargo in Des Moines.
This is one of the most interesting stories I have heard. I grew up in Coralville in the biggest house on my block. We lived an upper middle class life. Or more. I dont know. We were members of the Elks club which has a 9 hole golf course and a pool. Maybe we were rich?

Of course I traveled the entire area, but I do not remember an area like this. I know City High grads pulled people to IC, but I did not know there was a hard core blue collar area like this.

Things you learn.

Man, you really need to get out more!
Not a pilot nor an airplane salesman, but my one weird talent (everyone has one) is that I can identify pretty much any modern airplane by sight. Definitely any US, Russian, or European military aircraft or twin/4 engine commercial airliner. It’s weird, I know.

I always wanted to be a pilot growing up and from the earliest I can remember, before even preschool age, I ravenously read or looked at every aviation book I could find. It never stopped as I got older.

I can tell an F-18A/C model from an E/F model from a hell of a long ways away, I can look at an F-16 and even tell you which block of engine production it is from some subtle clues. C5 Galaxy A/B/C models from C5M (upgraded from the T39 engines to the CF6 that are on the 767 and 747, et al).

I can identify all Boeing planes from the 707 up through the 787 including all the dash numbers (some of the 777s are tough because they’re the same length), Airbus—same thing. I can tell you an A320 neo from a legacy model, and differentiate on sight between a Pratt&Whitney, Rolls Royce, or GE engine on any airliner (without seeing their emblems). Also Embraer, Bombardier, McDonnell Douglas planes, you name it.

I could also identify at least the manufacturer/model from cockpit pictures. The dash classifications are pretty impossible from just a single cockpit picture but I could more than likely narrow it down.

It’s the absolute weirdest thing in the world to be ultra nerd-level proficient in, and it’s worth nothing more than stumping people who don’t believe you. I wish I could operate the stock market like that. I’m a walking stupid human trick.

Now your starting to scare me, Cliff.

Rolls Royce makes airplane engines? Who knew?

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