OT: Tijuana for Holiday Bowl?

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Other than a death wish, why would you want to go from one of the nicest cities in the U.S. to one of the most dangerous in Mexico? Stay on the north side of the border my friend.

Do you know where we can find some el weed?
I was active duty Navy for 21 years.

And the "T" as we called it was always always off limits to military members, on-duty or off...for the reasons mentioned above. If you got rolled in T, then you had to face the UCMJ as well.
What Mexico needs to do is the following...

Make an announcement that due to the failure of fighting narcotics manufacture, and to try make a desperate peace and end to the violence they will be making it legal within a 50 x 50, 2,500 square mile section of land that is currently lightly inhabited like Chihuahua. This will be a "reservation" of sorts, and it will be left to the cartels to decide how to divide it up and create their own system of controls, etc. Essentially a lawless area that the government agrees to stay out of, but that the cartel agrees to stay within.

Announce a date, and tell everyone currently there that they have 3 months to move out, and then the cartels get 3 months to move in and set up shop. They take over everything about inhabiting and maintaining their new space. How they get their drugs in and out is their own problem, but in return for no violence outside of the fence the government won't interfere or prosecute.

And then after 3 or 4 months of them settling in--using all of the US's satellite tech, drones, B-52s, and B-1s--carpet bomb the ever loving F out of that place the likes of which Germany didn't even see in the 1940s. I'm talking scorched earth, non stop for a week, planes patrolling the perimeter to mop up any rats escaping the edges, total destruction.

If there was ever a mass elimination of human beings that needed to happen it's cartel members. It would be the best money our country ever spent. Would you get every gangster in the whole country? Nope. Would a black market pop up in its place? Yes. But it would take decades upon decades to get to be any semblance of what the cartels have.

And of course I know nothing like this would ever happen.

I had this same idea to eradicate hippies over a decade ago, but my plan was to use Phish and Grateful Dead reunion concerts as bait. I like the way you think.

Anyway, what Mexico really needs to do is contract with the company that is building The Wall and have them build one on the north part of Baja California to cut off the peninsula from the rest of Mexico. Then, they need to get some developers in there and start building resorts and ocean front retirement villas down the entire length of the thing. While that is going on, they need to go to Thailand and India and hire every freaking doctor they can sway to move away and build world class hospitals down there. They need to put one decent sized airport on the peninsula with daily flights to Chicago, New York, Minneapolis, Boston, SF, Houston, Toronto and Seattle. Revamp the tax code with a 20% flat tax on foreigners and charge people like $500 a month for health insurance and arbitrage the hell out of drug prices since they are so much cheaper in Mexico than the US.

They'd make a damned fortune. The place would have millions of Americans and hundreds of thousands Canadians and Europeans down there and their economic fortunes would turn overnight. It would screw over Arizona and Florida, but so what.
Mexico is now labeled as dangerous as Syria. Have you seen the movie Last Blood?
No, but I saw a documentary about a drifter who had returned from Vietnam who got hassled by some County Mountie out west somewhere and he took out a whole freaking platoon from the National Guard and blew up the whole damned town because they tried to shave him. It was called First Blood. You seen that one?
When I was four we moved from Iowa to Arizona for 11 years. One of my friends that I've kept in touch with lives in El Paso now and married a Mexican woman; they go across into Juarez like 2 or 3 times a week for different things. No fucking way am I doing that. That's by far the worst cartel city and those dudes won't think twice about chopping your head off and leaving it on a park bench if they thought you were up to something.

He's whiter than Mike Gesell and once in a while he'll text me a selfie from a bar late at night with his wife. I'm sure there are differing degrees of sketch level in Juarez, but no goddamn way would I be putting any booze in my body down there.
We visited Nogales in 1993, probably close to when you lived in Arizona. Back then you could still walk across the border. Even then we were advised to stay in the tourist shopping area and not venture from it. You knew right away you were in a different world, and it made you appreciate the country you lived in.

I went to Cancun early last year. They asked all of us if we had ever been in Mexico. I replied that I had been in Nogales. They replied that they don't even consider that as being in Mexico.
I don't think white Iowans wearing Iowa gear will stand out in TJ. Just make sure someone from the group stays in the US to pay the ransom. The time for visiting TJ was in the 80s, it's not your father's TJ any longer. It's dangerous...and if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time...you will die.

Just google murders in TJ...and see the modus operandi of the cartel. And don't think, well if we go down during the day, we will be fine. It doesn't matter...the cartel henchmen have walked into a restaurant and murdered people in broad daylight...it doesn't matter.

2018 was a great year for the cartel.

"Tijuana has seen a methamphetamine-fuelled murder epidemic which produced a record 2,518 murders in 2018 and looks set to cause even more this year."

For reference...there were 561 murders in Chicago in 2018...and lot more guns in Chicago. In TJ, only the bad guys have the guns.
The highway between Cancun and Playa del Carmen has a couple checkpoints. And those checkpoints are manned by guards. Armed with AK47's.

Sobering stuff. That highway eventually goes down to Tulum and I'm sure they have more checkpoints.

If you've ever been near the border in Arizona, New Mexico or Texas there are highway checkpoints with X Ray machines.

A childhood friend of mine, who now lives in Colorado, once taught at a Bible School near Bisbee, Arizona. The school was only a mile or two from the border. He would occasionally see border patrol agents flagging down illegal immigrants on school property.

We went down to visit him once, and to see the city of Tombstone. His wife can whip up one hell of a taco salad!
We visited Nogales in 1993, probably close to when you lived in Arizona. Back then you could still walk across the border. Even then we were advised to stay in the tourist shopping area and not venture from it. You knew right away you were in a different world, and it made you appreciate the country you lived in.

I went to Cancun early last year. They asked all of us if we had ever been in Mexico. I replied that I had been in Nogales. They replied that they don't even consider that as being in Mexico.
Went to a restaurant in March this year that was about 3 minutes north of Nogales (father in law lives in Green Valley). We had to go thru a checkpoint heading back on the US side, which I didn't expect so I'm glad I limited my margarita intake!

I did several day road trips around the Tombstone area a few years back. I averaged passages through checkpoints at about three per day.
Nowhere in Mexico is safe. Cut off the tourist dollars until they finally have a war with the cartels and wipe them out. Not your Mom and Dad's Mexico anymore.
Nowhere in Mexico is safe. Cut off the tourist dollars until they finally have a war with the cartels and wipe them out. Not your Mom and Dad's Mexico anymore.
The problem is the cartels greatly out earn and are more armed than the Mexican military. Who do you think would win that war? What we need to do is focus on reducing demand in the US, legalizing marijuana. 61% of the income that cartels make is tied to MJ alone, estimated at $8.5 billion.

The war on drugs has failed. As long as there is a demand for illegal drugs, there will be a violent supplier. Killing Escobar, getting rid of Noriega, trillions of dollars fighting drugs and crime in South and Central America hasn't changed a damn thing. It's also one of the main causes of the "immigrant problem" that everyone bitches about. We've been doing the same thing for 40 years and it hasn't made a bit of difference. Try something else.
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