I just got back from fishing and my son had a pretty nice bass on a shad rap, but what I think happened is that he struck at the lure, came unhooked from the back treble hook, but was also hooked in the belly area with the other treble hook, so my son was able to land it.
Then it happened. The umpire came up to my son and said it didn't count because it was foul hooked and I said it was fair. He pulled out his rule book and tried to show me the rule, but I argued that he needed to see the whole play to see if it was truly fair or foul. I also argued that the rule book was ambiguous and that my son should be given the benefit of the doubt. I held my breath until I got my way, but only because he said it wasn't worth the fight for the $10 he was getting paid. I felt great, but for some reason, my son said I embarrassed him. He just needs to grow up.