Opportunity Lost-Embarrassing Offensive Effort


Well-Known Member
BF, Nate Stanley and the offensive line were all pathetic today. Michigan is not good and our opportunity to win the West is gone. Feels like another 7-5 or 8-4 season. Not sure why I got my hopes up for more.
BF, Nate Stanley and the offensive line were all pathetic today. Michigan is not good and our opportunity to win the West is gone. Feels like another 7-5 or 8-4 season. Not sure why I got my hopes up for more.
Our defense is legit.....but our QB can't move and our line can't block.....and did any rbs pick up the blitz all day.....jez
Our defense is legit.....but our QB can't move and our line can't block.....and did any rbs pick up the blitz all day.....jez
There is the key. The RB's didn't block well. People rip on RB's not getting to play when they come here because they can't block, but we saw today how important it is.
BF, Nate Stanley and the offensive line were all pathetic today. Michigan is not good and our opportunity to win the West is gone. Feels like another 7-5 or 8-4 season. Not sure why I got my hopes up for more.
most of us get our hopes up every year. nothing new for Iowa fans to be fooled again
There is the key. The RB's didn't block well. People rip on RB's not getting to play when they come here because they can't block, but we saw today how important it is.
Any O-line and the pass blocking RBs will be exposed by 4-6 second pass plays with a Statue of Liberty QB.
Remember the seasons where we’ve had the most success we’ve had a mobile QB....or Ricky I guess
BF, Nate Stanley and the offensive line were all pathetic today. Michigan is not good and our opportunity to win the West is gone. Feels like another 7-5 or 8-4 season. Not sure why I got my hopes up for more.
This team was never going to beat Wisconsin to win the West, anyway...yet again. I thought they were better than this, though. Just no excuses for that kind of offensive performance. Same thing will happen against PSU and Wisconsin, maybe even Northwestern.
This team was never going to beat Wisconsin to win the West, anyway...yet again. I thought they were better than this, though. Just no excuses for that kind of offensive performance. Same thing will happen against PSU and Wisconsin, maybe even Northwestern.
You mean we aren’t a playoff team? They will lose those three and to Nebraska.
I don't think we will score against PSU either. They had 10 sacks today, and they don't need to blitz to get pressure. Stanley might want to fake an injury. He was God awful against them last year.
Our defense is legit.....but our QB can't move and our line can't block.....and did any rbs pick up the blitz all day.....jez
Some of the blitzes were telegraphed and Stanley had nothing set up to counter, unless you call throwing the ball deep down the sideline blindly as a blitz pick-up. I am incredibly disappointed we gave up on the running game so early, we could have ran every play and scored the same amount of points.
Some of the blitzes were telegraphed and Stanley had nothing set up to counter, unless you call throwing the ball deep down the sideline blindly as a blitz pick-up. I am incredibly disappointed we gave up on the running game so early, we could have ran every play and scored the same amount of points.
Michigan seemed to know our every play and move beforehand...and with Brian's inability to adjust on the fly, and Stanley's statuesque position in the pocket, well, tee off guys...no worries.
I don’t see 7 wins. We are getting blitzed every play by every team going forward. Any d coordinator who doesn’t send as least 5 against Stanley every down should be fired.
Well, I hope Stanley figures it out, cause you know there will be no QB changes even if we are ineligible for a bowl game. Look at Vandenberg's senior year. Nothing to play for and Kirk plays him in a meanless game instead of starting next year's starter. Don't think I've ever gotten over that. I do think Stanley rebounds, this was a total offensive let down.

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