One thing on this DJK thing that I don't get...

This "feel sorry for the criminal" attitude is more harmful to society than anything. Face it Jon, DJK is a loser. He was given more opportunities than most and threw it away. I hope the guy is busy practicing swallowing pineapples to prepare for his stay in the joint.

So you hope DJK is prison raped because he used cocaine, marijuana and pills? Pathetic.
What about the people he was selling the drugs to and their families? As someone who has watched two different people die from drug abuse and waiting for the phone to ring about a third, I find little sympathy for drug dealers.

DJK made bad decisions and it's a horrible thing, but to place your worry on him is unfair to those in which he was lining his pockets from.

DJK isn't being charged with selling drugs.
Alcohol and many addictions are most certainly related to environment and genetics - just like any other thing in the world of humans.

As far as the idea that "hey if you never try this or that then it will never be a problem"

Yeah sure that's great, but that's not reality, sorry no offense and I'm glad that worked for you, but the world is way more complicated then that.

I knew a kid that had an adopted brother and both of them were treated great and had awesome parents but the adopted kid's father was a drug abuser and a pretty hardcore criminal and eventhough he grew up in a great environment he ended up much the same.

Ofcourse it matters where you come from, you can make decisions, but not all of us have the same predispositions to make those decisions.
DJK has been arrested, and faces several charges. I dont think anyone is advocating lenience, or getting off the hook.

I was not suggesting that anyone was advocating that the charges be dropped or even reduced. This was just a response to the people who seem to feel no compassion at all towards DJK and people in a similar situation and who seem offended by others who do.

There is a certain segment of the population that seems to feel a need to cut all ties with and totally condemn all who do stupid/illegal/immoral acts and refuse to show any empathy or compassion what so ever towards them. As far as they are concerned, once you waver from the straight and narrow, or fail to live up to their standards in any way, they are dead to them and are on their own and deserve no consideration what so ever.

All I was saying was that you can still feel compassion and empathy towards someone and still hold a hard line and demand that they atone for their wrong doing and be accountable for their actions. The two do not need to be mutually exclusive.

DJK was an idiot and did bad things. He is an adult and knowingly did what he did. He brought his troubles upon himself and must now pay the price for it.

At the same time I still feel sorry for a fellow human being who is going to be going through a very difficult time. I hope and pray that he comes out ok on the other side.
DJK isn't being charged with selling drugs.

He wasn't charged with it, but if you believe he wasn't aware it was occurring and perhaps participating, you are naive. I sure as heck would know that stuff was going on under my roof. It speaks volumes about your character that you continue to defend this loser.
If alcoholism is a disease...

If alcoholism is a disease, then it is the only disease that...
  • is sold in bottles;
  • is advertised in newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the Internet;
  • is contracted by the will of man;
  • has licensed outlets to spread it;
  • produces revenue for the government;
  • brings violent death on the highways;
  • has no germs or viral cause;
  • propels one's health to self-destruction;
  • destroys family life; and
  • increases crime.
Re: If alcoholism is a disease...

If alcoholism is a disease, then it is the only disease that...
  • is sold in bottles;
  • is advertised in newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the Internet;
  • is contracted by the will of man;
  • has licensed outlets to spread it;
  • produces revenue for the government;
  • brings violent death on the highways;
  • has no germs or viral cause;
  • propels one's health to self-destruction;
  • destroys family life; and
  • increases crime.

The government controls the sales of other drugs everday, drugs that cause addictions and other problems.

Have you ever seen anyone trying to "detox" from alcholol or drugs? Work in a hospital or rehab center and witness that and then tell me its not medical or a disease

contracted by the "will of man"? Like basically there are 1000's of illnesses or diseases related to the will of man.

The only disease that destroys family life? That increases crime?

Sorry just strait up ignorance is all that you wrote.
Re: If alcoholism is a disease...

If alcoholism is a disease, then it is the only disease that...
  • is sold in bottles;
  • is advertised in newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the Internet;
  • is contracted by the will of man;
  • has licensed outlets to spread it;
  • produces revenue for the government;
  • brings violent death on the highways;
  • has no germs or viral cause;
  • propels one's health to self-destruction;
  • destroys family life; and
  • increases crime.

Alcoholism became a disease for the very same reason as fibromyalgia. There was a recent report that said 1 out of every 5 Americans suffer mental illness. Our society has become so politically correct and weak that everything is catergorized as a disease anymore. Long gone are the days where people manned up and quit finding excuses for everything.
Re: If alcoholism is a disease...

If alcoholism is a disease, then it is the only disease that...
  • is sold in bottles;
  • is advertised in newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the Internet;
  • is contracted by the will of man;
  • has licensed outlets to spread it;
  • produces revenue for the government;
  • brings violent death on the highways;
  • has no germs or viral cause;
  • propels one's health to self-destruction;
  • destroys family life; and
  • increases crime.

The disease is addiction in general, where one can be addicted to a plethora of things. Drug addiction is indeed almost universally accepted as a disease by nearly all health professionals. It is as dibilitating and harmful as any other mental illness out there.
Re: If alcoholism is a disease...

The disease is addiction in general, where one can be addicted to a plethora of things. Drug addiction is indeed almost universally accepted as a disease by nearly all health professionals. It is as dibilitating and harmful as any other mental illness out there.

Addiction is also physical and chemical - your body requires the chemistry of the substance to function.
Re: If alcoholism is a disease...

Addiction is also physical and chemical - your body requires the chemistry of the substance to function.

Never heard of that one before. So you're saying that if an alcoholic is cut off he/she could die? I would think it would be just the opposite, where if he/she persists in the behavior, they risk death. I think it's more psycological than anything.
Re: If alcoholism is a disease...

Never heard of that one before. So you're saying that if an alcoholic is cut off he/she could die? I would think it would be just the opposite, where if he/she persists in the behavior, they risk death. I think it's more psycological than anything.

Never heard of delirium tremens, or detoxing? If you're severely addicted, then quitting cold turkey can kill you.
Re: If alcoholism is a disease...

Alcoholism became a disease for the very same reason as fibromyalgia. There was a recent report that said 1 out of every 5 Americans suffer mental illness. Our society has become so politically correct and weak that everything is catergorized as a disease anymore. Long gone are the days where people manned up and quit finding excuses for everything.

It's called progress Smoot. And after reading your recent posts I have more respoect for DJK post-arrest than I do for you
Re: If alcoholism is a disease...

Never heard of that one before. So you're saying that if an alcoholic is cut off he/she could die? I would think it would be just the opposite, where if he/she persists in the behavior, they risk death. I think it's more psycological than anything.

Withdrawal from alcohol can be fatal.
" Unlike most withdrawals from other drugs, alcohol withdrawal can be fatal. The withdrawal syndrome can include seizures and delirium tremens and may lead to excito-neurotoxicity."
Alcohol withdrawal syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also, the beer "Delirium Tremens" is delicious.
We all laughed at the space shuttle jokes. In the 80's, we had "dead baby jokes". Remember those? A real hoot. If this were a Cyclone player, we'd have cracked every joke in the book we could come up I expect Clones are, and will do, for some time. Some slobbering moron would probably make t-shirts and sell them at the next game. Yes, there will be people on sports radio and ESPN who will crack a joke.

We take our lumps and move on.

Good news, maybe Marvin appears to be a good kid and has great hands and will want to show off against his home-state team.

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