One thing on this DJK thing that I don't get...

He's going to reap what he has sewn. What he has potentially lost is huge, and I certainly dont take any joy or humor in that.

Perhaps because I have had an 'on the brink' moment in my life, related to drinking, when I was way down in a hole, perhaps I feel more pity than anything else. Perhaps some folks that have not hit certain depths don't relate that way. I dont know.

I just know that I find this sad, as I do several instances of things like this where young people make such huge mistakes.

As I alluded to in another post. I came home from Vietnam a bottle baby. It took awhile to dig myself out of that hole, but I've been out of it for 30 years now. As the saying goes, I have to laugh about it because I'm too big to cry. As bad as it may seem for DJK, as you said in another post, this just might have saved his life. Sometimes you have to hit bottom before you can start back up again.
whats sad is the apparent glee some take when watching someone else fall.

I dont sing with people when the times are good and then **** on them when it goes bad.
Jon, I'm very surprised by your statement.

I don't think I've made any jokes about this, but if I'd thought of a good one I wouldn't hesitate.

A kid dying of cancer is sad. A grandma who's driving home from bible study to make cookies for her grandchildren getting hit by a semi is sad. This isn't that kind of sad, it's just stupid.

He did this to himself. It's all his fault. Everybody who grows up in this country knows that drugs are bad. With these actions he knowingly thumbed his nose at his parents who had given so much to him, at the fans and most importantly at himself. He's lost a lot. No doubt.

Hopefully he turns his life around and can help people. But right now, he got exactly what he deserved because of his stupid actions and deserves everything that comes to him. I only wish that someone in the program would have seen what was going on and kicked his sorry butt off the team earlier.

He's not a victim, this is all HIS fault.
Jon, I'm very surprised by your statement.

I don't think I've made any jokes about this, but if I'd thought of a good one I wouldn't hesitate.

A kid dying of cancer is sad. A grandma who's driving home from bible study to make cookies for her grandchildren getting hit by a semi is sad. This isn't that kind of sad, it's just stupid.

He did this to himself. It's all his fault. Everybody who grows up in this country knows that drugs are bad. With these actions he knowingly thumbed his nose at his parents who had given so much to him, at the fans and most importantly at himself. He's lost a lot. No doubt.

Hopefully he turns his life around and can help people. But right now, he got exactly what he deserved because of his stupid actions and deserves everything that comes to him. I only wish that someone in the program would have seen what was going on and kicked his sorry butt off the team earlier.

He's not a victim, this is all HIS fault.

One way to look at it is to think of his family. What he's done is INCREDIBLY stupid. I could think of a few zingers. I don't bite my tongue for his sake, though. I keep my mouth shut out of respect for his family. I can't imagine that they aren't racking their brains trying to figure out what else they could have done to help him, where did they go wrong. Because it's been quite obvious over the years that the Koulianos' do truly love Derrell. And the jokes serve as yet another reminder that perhaps they failed him in some way.

I realize that they are hardly likely to see these posts. It's just the basic principle that I operate by.
whats sad is the apparent glee some take when watching someone else fall.

I dont sing with people when the times are good and then **** on them when it goes bad.

There is also a stark difference between hoping someone fails and expecting criminals to face consequences. I for one am glad this criminal will see his day in court.
This "feel sorry for the criminal" attitude is more harmful to society than anything. Face it Jon, DJK is a loser. He was given more opportunities than most and threw it away. I hope the guy is busy practicing swallowing pineapples to prepare for his stay in the joint.

hes charged with misdemeanors. if you think hes going to the joint for misdemeanors, you are sadly mistaken.
I flashed immediately to him running out and hugging his mom on Senior Day.

After what they went through to essentially save him from the streets, after hearing and witnessing the obvious love he has for them, and they have for him... this is heartbreaking.
What about the people he was selling the drugs to and their families? As someone who has watched two different people die from drug abuse and waiting for the phone to ring about a third, I find little sympathy for drug dealers.

DJK made bad decisions and it's a horrible thing, but to place your worry on him is unfair to those in which he was lining his pockets from.

Settle down. He wasn't charge with dealing. That was his roommate.
I agree with you Jon. And I will piggy back on it, too.

I hear time and again how the people of Iowa are so much better in their moral fiber than people in other parts of the country. I hear it all the time on Iowa boards like this one. Yet there are people that make comments exactly like what you describe in your original post on this thread. People that do that are not of the highest moral character in my book and their actions are not too Christian-like either, which is another positive trait Iowans supposedly have over others.

Is Iowa a good place to live as it relates to low crime rates and good schools? Yes. It is also much easier to control those things when there is only one REAL metropolitan area.

I guess I am just of the belief that Iowans don't have the market cornered on being kind to others and I will leave it at that.
I agree he did it to himself. However I would ask where were the people that could have come in at helped. No doubt in my mind that there are people who knew and turned the other way.
I agree he did it to himself. However I would ask where were the people that could have come in at helped. No doubt in my mind that there are people who knew and turned the other way.

Is personal responsibility dead? This guy was given more talent and opportunity than most and he threw it away. He didn't just hurt himself, but he hurt his coach, team and fans who've supported him. Time to quit feeling sorry for these people. He is a very selfish person and didn't consider how his actions would hurt a large number of people who stood behind him.
I think its a huge black eye for the University I love, and for the football I bleed for. There is nothing funny about that. DJK has just ****** the opportunity of a lifetime down the drain with some selfish and shortsighted thinking.
Sad and depressing story. He is all done at Iowa. I hope he can put his life back together. He'll need help.

Someday Kirk Ferentz will be able to write a heck of a book. He went through hell with Wegher and DJK this year, but he is always classy and keeps his mouth shut.

He is a good man - I'm sure he will try to help DJK in any way he can.
It's not a laughing matter, but like it or not he's the bad guy in this. He made bad choices. Choices that it appears he wasn't willing to turn away from. If he didn't get busted now, do you think he would have stopped? Not likely, and the temptations are probably greater and more dangerous if he would have been in the NFL. He needs to mature, and feeling sorry for him isn't going to help him realize that.
It's not a laughing matter, but like it or not he's the bad guy in this. He made bad choices. Choices that it appears he wasn't willing to turn away from. If he didn't get busted now, do you think he would have stopped? Not likely, and the temptations are probably greater and more dangerous if he would have been in the NFL. He needs to mature, and feeling sorry for him isn't going to help him realize that.

I wonder where the 3,000 dollars in cash and the "expensive" items reportedly posted on his facebook came from?

I didn't see the "expensive" items, so I can't say anything about that. But if I read the story correctly, the money wasn't found in his room, so there's no proof that it's his. And since his roommate is being charged with dealing and not DJK, it's not hard to make the argument that it wasn't DJ's money.

Though I admit that's pretty naive. I hope it's not his.

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