One game one announcer..who would it be..

Musberger parsigean
Jackson/ Griese
Enberg Olson

Enberg Olson
Buck aikman
Summerall .madden
Don criqui/Bob Trumpy
Original MNF
Al Michaels and anybody

Collinsworth, sims
Gotta go with the Ocho's finest here.

I have to confess I am confused about the love for Kieth Jackson in this thread, since I don't have many memories of Jackson doing Iowa games. There is a lack of nostalgia there that is there for guys even like Musburger.
I have to go with the old tandem of Brent Musberger and Ara Parseghian. There was something so informative and entertaining with these two and yet down to earth. There was that seriousness of a college football game battle taking place and it always felt like they were keeping you informed of what was happening on the field at every moment, with every play, it always seemed that as a viewer, you never missed a beat with these two.

Ara with his excellent knowledge of X's and 0's, (and it was top notch excellent), and experience being a player and a legendary coach (his time coaching Northwestern was very impressive). Ara had a way of letting the viewer in on what was really happening on the field and why, and he had a very down to earth way about him. With Brent and his extremely entertaining style that usually never missed a beat, they kept you informed and let you know there was a battle happening on that field, and it was in an engaging and entertaining way.
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Hard to pick. For Hawkeye homers, it has to be Zabel.

Generally across the board you can't go wrong with Michaels.

Very underrated IMO is Mike Tirico. He's absolutely solid. And, I never thought I would say this, but I really like Romo as a color guy. He's kind of becoming football's version of Bill Raftery.

I gotta admit, I don't get the Bob Griese likes. I'm completely the opposite. I thought he was downright terrible. I remember watching a game one year where his analysis was borderline bizarre. He did like one more game that year, then completely disappeared. In retrospect, I almost wonder if he was showing some early dementia signs.
For college it's Keith Jackson. For pros it's Ray Scott all the way. Probably too old for the kindergarten set here. He was the voice of the Packers for many years. I'm not a packer fan but he was one hell of an announcer.
Scott was great, but even better was listening to Jim Irwin and Max McGee on the Packer radio network. They were absolutely classic.

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