On the Side Pressers are no more

Any posters on this site who live in Iowa City do us all a favor. Cruise around town and gather about 12-15 for sale signs cruise over to the Ferentz's residence and plant those bad boys in the front yard.

An oldie but a goodie.
I wish I was out in IC this evening, because I know where ferrets lives and would happily take part in erecting the signs.
BREAKING NEWS......from SID office......press.is not allowed to ask any Rudock questions

Might hurt Ferentz and Vandenberg feelings. After all they certainly tried real hard today

I hope many of these will be handed out today, so the boys don't feel bad about anything.

Any posters on this site who live in Iowa City do us all a favor. Cruise around town and gather about 12-15 for sale signs cruise over to the Ferentz's residence and plant those bad boys in the front yard.

I tried doing that last week. And then he went all Mr. Burns on me and released the hounds.
An oldie but a goodie.
I wish I was out in IC this evening, because I know where ferrets lives and would happily take part in erecting the signs.

Vin I hope you'd include a little soaping windows and egging his house as well?
Transparency at the University of Iowa, why start now? We should all be morally outraged about the head football coach. It is certainly the most important issue down there right now.
Transparency at the University of Iowa, why start now? We should all be morally outraged about the head football coach. It is certainly the most important issue down there right now.

my gawd are you an *******
You may think that, but the football coach doesn't want to do "On the Side". Probably not the correct move on his, or the U's part, but it pales to some other things.
This shouldn't be a big deal. "On the side" or whatever isn't exactly S.O.P. in a majority of places across the county. Most places (that I'm aware of), the press conference is the press conference. Once it's over, it's over. It's not like he's not talking at all.
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This shouldn't be a big deal. "On the side" or whatever isn't exactly S.O.P. in a majority of places across the county. Most places (that I'm aware of), the press conference is the press conference. Once it's over, it's over. It's not like he's not talking at all.

The point isn't really if other colleges have it or not - the point is when someone asked him a question he didn't like - he took his ball and went home.

Just looks weak at this point - if his team were wining and he walked away would be one thing. But it looks cry cry and pouty at this point.
aaaannnnnnd once again I deploy the wonderfully satisfying Ignore Feature.