OK4P is getting what he deserves

Everything ChixWings says is a lie, 'cept the part where he claims responsibility for getting me banned from the old HawkeyeNation (assuming it really is that clown Secret8). The dude is a male nurse who talks a big game but brings nothing to the table. If I see that clown sitting in my seats, there is a 100% chance he is going to get chokeslammed down 79 rows. EVERYBODY in my section LOVES me. When I go to ball games, the Hawks win and my work of firing up the fan base is a big reason that happens.
What kind of a lawyer has time to make all these profiles on HN? On the other hand a bored northwestern fan would have all the time in the world to bother us.
If KOK (and HappyChef) is who I think he is...he was doing this kinda thing long before HawkeyeNation existed.

Since the dark ages when "newsgroups" were state-of-the-art chat forumns...he's been an attention whore. Someone who has an intense desire to be the center of attention, and an unending need for validation. And he loves to play tough guy with those who call him on it. I've read some of the threatening emails he's sent people.

Then again, maybe KOK isn't him.
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This pretty much sums it up. Don't forget, however, that OK4P had to copy off me thoughout law school, and nobody was more surprised than me when he actually passed the bar exam.

It's not that I think OK4P is a bad guy. I actually think he's funny, and I enjoy going to the games with him. I just have to put loyalties to the Hawks ahead of friendship. I've even offered to let him back into the circle of trust if he dumps the NW tickets and pays in advance.

You didn't copy off me, liar. You were taking classes like "Law of the Frontier" and "Feminist Legal Perspectives" (keep in mind you don't take a class like that to meet chicks in law school - they are all busted and nasty) whilst I was taking useful things like Securities Regulation and Tax.

I ain't ditching my NU tickets. Maybe, if Iowa can beat them twice in a row, I will get rid of them, but Fitzgerald is a good coach and I like watching well coached ball clubs bince I am deprived of that opportunity every time I set foot into Ryan Field West over in Iowa City. And look dude, I already told you I would pay you in advance, but you keep harping about some vig from like 4 years ago. Statute of limitations pal, unless you want to pay me back for that 12 pack I brought to your house back in 2003 out of which I only drank one bottle.
You didn't copy off me, liar. You were taking classes like "Law of the Frontier" and "Feminist Legal Perspectives" (keep in mind you don't take a class like that to meet chicks in law school - they are all busted and nasty) whilst I was taking useful things like Securities Regulation and Tax.

I ain't ditching my NU tickets. Maybe, if Iowa can beat them twice in a row, I will get rid of them, but Fitzgerald is a good coach and I like watching well coached ball clubs bince I am deprived of that opportunity every time I set foot into Ryan Field West over in Iowa City. And look dude, I already told you I would pay you in advance, but you keep harping about some vig from like 4 years ago. Statute of limitations pal, unless you want to pay me back for that 12 pack I brought to your house back in 2003 out of which I only drank one bottle.
You showed up with a 12 pack on game day? Your not winning any points.
What kind of a lawyer has time to make all these profiles on HN? On the other hand a bored northwestern fan would have all the time in the world to bother us.

I have one profile, it's OKeefe4Prez, pal. And I ain't a Northwestern fan. Proof:

Favorite Hawkeye BB players - J. Moe and W. Lookingbill
Favorite Hawkeye FB players - M. Vlasic and M. Cook
Street I lived on in IC - Oakcrest
Bars that I am so upset with that I would take a deuce in their urinals if I were a petty man - Sports Column (for kicking Happy Chef out on the day of the LSU game) and Joe's (for overcharging me and Happy Chef by 25 cents for a beer)

I am an Iowa guy, pal. I BLEED black and gold.
From the looks of it, Happy Chef has more friends willing to back him up. OK4P needs to either:

A) Make more accounts on HN and act as his friend to back him up, or
B) Actually get friends to back him up.

From the sounds of things, I'm gonna go with A as the superior option. Friends might be few and far between. The DB is strong in this one.

Of course the option could be

C) These are all his accounts and he is suffering from "lack of things going on in his life" or "his wife is a fatty" syndrome.
The path of the righteous Hawkeye is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And WE will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy My Hawkey brothers. And you will know My name is Jon when I lay My vengeance upon thee.
You showed up with a 12 pack on game day? Your not winning any points.

Not on game day, just like a random day of hanging out. Me and Chef used to hang all the time, then he started to turn on me. I used to crash at his place a few nights a week back in the day (I paid above market rent to do so even though I wasn't allowed to take a crap at his house - you clog one toilet and you are branded for life).

One time, I saved his life when he came home trashed and wanted to cook some fried potatoes - he filled the pan with about a half gallon of earl and then when he dropped the potatoes in the earl splashed back causing a massive burn on his hand, when he saw the burn, he passed out backwards and bounced his head off the floor. I confirmed he had no closed head injury and turned the stove off thereby preventing a fire that would have kilt him.

I also blew a 'roid moving an 800 pound desk out of his apartment (I was carrying it backwards up these stairs and he was just lollygagging around barely helping).

And for those things, this is how I get repaid. Ridiculous.
One last thought. How come the testimony from chix is his 1 and only post? So I go back to IF the testimony is true.
I knew this question was going to come up. I had to get a new email and had some creepers following me, so changed my profile. Trust me, this aint my first rodeo. KOK will weigh in at some point with a pack of lies. But the Chef already confirmed my story. He actually went light on him.

Even though the tix will stay in the Chef's name, I have negotiated a discount in the seat prices to off-set my "donation" and the fact that he takes the full right off on his taxes. This is what kind of leverage prepayment buys you KOK. Not that "remember you owed my $20 back in 2008" payment philosophy you roll with.
I knew this question was going to come up. I had to get a new email and had some creepers following me, so changed my profile. Trust me, this aint my first rodeo. KOK will weigh in at some point with a pack of lies. But the Chef already confirmed my story. He actually went light on him.

Even though the tix will stay in the Chef's name, I have negotiated a discount in the seat prices to off-set my "donation" and the fact that he takes the full right off on his taxes. This is what kind of leverage prepayment buys you KOK. Not that "remember you owed my $20 back in 2008" payment philosophy you roll with.

Hey moron, what's a "right off?" Seriously pal, I can tell who's in my seats at games I don't make it to and if I see your bald dome up there next year I'll figure out a way to get to the game.
Hey moron, what's a "right off?" Seriously pal, I can tell who's in my seats at games I don't make it to and if I see your bald dome up there next year I'll figure out a way to get to the game.

Why the hate? I can't go to all the home games. I may sell you some of my share of the Chef's tickets if he approves and if you pay full share of the prices without my discount plus the donation and a little juice IN ADVANCE. "The section" won't like it though, I can tell you that. They don't love you KOK. They tolerate you. You would have gotten passed around like a beach ball if it wasn't for the Chef protecting you.
Okeef4prez --

I am glad to have read through some of this exchange. You have done a great job of convincing us all that you do not deserve the tickets and most importantly -- you are 100% Prole.

Only a prole would --
a. take to a from like this to air dirtly laundry -
b. have the time to post your side of the story (and most likely the other side as well)
c. have to rely on a friend to have the tickets in thier name --
d. have a picture of alford as an avatar

Thanks again for clearing all this up
Wow man, my law degree may only be from watching a lot of LA Law as a kid and Law and Order as an adult but OK4P is just getting killed in the court of public opinion and in the presses and stuff. That plea agreement would be looking mighty good to me if I were the Prez.
Wow man, my law degree may only be from watching a lot of LA Law as a kid and Law and Order as an adult but OK4P is just getting killed in the court of public opinion and in the presses and stuff. That plea agreement would be looking mighty good to me if I were the Prez.

Thunder is not looking so bad right now.:confused:
Wow man, my law degree may only be from watching a lot of LA Law as a kid and Law and Order as an adult but OK4P is just getting killed in the court of public opinion and in the presses and stuff. That plea agreement would be looking mighty good to me if I were the Prez.

HappyChef and ChixWings are doing a tag team and OK4P is getting body slammed in the ring of public opinion.
HappyChef and ChixWings are doing a tag team and OK4P is getting body slammed in the ring of public opinion.

I think OK4P is up on the top turnbuckle right now, getting ready to hammer down some pain on his foes. Expect a mighty display of pile-driving prowess any minute now.
Before anyone starts to think we're picking on ol' OK4P, let me point out a few things:

1. I didn't do this to him...he's done it to himself (pretty much like his sex life I'm sure). He went out and purchased NW tickets. A lot of his attributes I can forgive including, but not limited to, his odor, the mustard he has on his shirts at games, showing up with 2 beers missing from a 6 pack, the times when he "forgot his money," etc., etc.). But purchasing NW season tickets is like sticking a dagger in the backs of all Hawkeyes, and I just can't ignore it.

2. After taking others to games last year, I now realize that these tickets are better used by people who can provide real analysis to the game. Or alternatively, I can have an extremely hot woman sitting next to me - obviously she can't provide any analysis, but it's still better than having OK4P there. I cannot tell you how many times I've had to explain different aspects of football to him because he's too busy sticking a tenderloin sammich down his cake hole or watching the band play another nifty melody. It's the same level of analysis as the pretty woman without the attraction.

Again, he's doing it to himself.

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