Let me finally weigh in on a few things here. I may be the only person who can sort this out, since (not bince) I can honestly say I know Ralph (err) KOK and the Barber. I am actually the one responsible for the beginning of the end of both of these guys on the old HN.
They are not the same guy. They are in fact (or were) buddies that had a cup of coffee in law school. Chef does have the tickets in his name. I have sat in them before and they are pretty nice. KOK has attended some games, but never have I heard the Chef say they are "their" tickets.
The Chef was in a real quandry on this one with 2 problems. 1- KOK likes to cancel last minute and leave the Chef to play scalper instead of tailgating. Ma runs KOK's life. He spends each waking moment of everyday hiding money from her. KOK does make good scratch, but spends nothing because everything he does is on deals such as this. 2- and this is the biggie here- KOK ruins the game experience for everyone. The Chef is under a lot of pressure from fans in "the section" that don't like KOK because he is usually very drunk, stinky from a morning of drinking and no shower, and he is very heavy for a guy of his height (5'5'' with skate boarding shoes on). The Chef can not afford to continue to **** off the other patrons in his section and now KOK will be wearing purple to the games he attends (along with his other game day attributes). Heck, the guy that sits to the Chef's right gets him a discounted parking pass right next to the stadium.
The Chef had to cut ties. It is nothing personal. Call the ticket office KOK. See if they can get you a few in the same section. See if they will do a layaway program so you can fly under Ma's radar. See if they will barter for some free legal counsel. Maybe you can draft up some free legal documents for them.
So that is the real story. KOK is one of those fans that is a bad "game day" guy. You know the type. Plain and simple. Case closed.
P.S. Got me a couple of tickets for home games this year. Between the 20 and 40, top row, press box side...