Ohio St NCAA Response

The coach and university have never taken this thing seriously. i

How is this not worse than USC? Both involved compensating players (USC had boosters pay cash, OSU paid player with merchandise and went on a campaign to cover it up and minimize it after being caught). OSU continues to poo-poo the infractions and pretend the tatoos are the only issue.
You seem to have very little knowledge of both situations so I will help you. USC actually had an staff member of the football team hook up Reggie Bush with the booster that paid him. USC never self reported, nor admitted to any of it at any point. OSU self reported their violations, got rid of the coach, and didn't have anyone on staff in contact with this booster. Yes at some point JT became aware of the situation but never put kids in contact with the tattoo shop owner. The situations aren't all that similar at all when u look at the allegations.
There have been 28 cases involving schools with "major violations" that didn't involve a 2.8.1 (failure to monitor/LOIC) charge. Of those 28 cases exactly zero got a post season ban.

Has the NCAA decided not to look at LOIC for OSU already?

Is this a charge that they could hand down after the August hearing or is it already a done deal?
You seem to have very little knowledge of both situations so I will help you. USC actually had an staff member of the football team hook up Reggie Bush with the booster that paid him. USC never self reported, nor admitted to any of it at any point. OSU self reported their violations, got rid of the coach, and didn't have anyone on staff in contact with this booster. Yes at some point JT became aware of the situation but never put kids in contact with the tattoo shop owner. The situations aren't all that similar at all when u look at the allegations.
Wow, fuf, you really bring a lot of great knowledge to the recruiting table, and like with Homer, I always read whatever you guys post, but I don't know where you are coming from with this. A) SI reported this and as much as they like to carry OSU's water, they are independent. So, if they reported it (and they did) OSU cannot "self" report. and B) isn't the reason Tressel is out is because he (and thus OSU) didn't self-report?
OSU reported the violations to the NCAA before any SI article. SI's story was right after OSU made the NCAA aware of the issues, thus they made it public. This is absolutely a "self reporting" issue.
Calling the NCAA after SI calls OSU for a quote prior to running a story isn't exactly the same thing as self reporting but nice try.

I don't see a big difference between USC arranging meetings with boosters and OSU facilitating the distribution of saleable merchadise, but you can go ahead and believe there is a significant diference if you want.
OSU reported the violations to the NCAA before any SI article. SI's story was right after OSU made the NCAA aware of the issues, thus they made it public. This is absolutely a "self reporting" issue.

They self reported after knowing about the issue and playing the offending players all season. Give me a break. This would have been like Bob Stoops playing Rhett Bomar after finding out he took a whole slew of cash for nothing, and then reporting it after they rolled to a NC. Instead they reported immediately, booted Bomar, and had to bring Thompson back from his WR position to be the QB. They also ended up with worse sanctions than OSU just self imposed. Your team deserves to be smashed for this.

Your coach knowingly broke the rules, which in my mind makes this far worse than the Bush case, where they never knew for a fact that the rules were being violated. There was alot of circumstantial evidence, but there are plenty of dumb juries that won't convict on that. Just ask Casey Anthony.

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