Ohio St NCAA Response

This is just another step of OSU taking half-assed measures in the hopes that this all goes away.

If anything, I hope these latest 'efforts' cause the NCAA to come down on them even more harshly because OSU refuses to do so.
Check out this response from one of tOSU's tight ends...


"I still got my 2010 Big Ten Champion ring. Sorrrrryyyy can't have that back! #suckstosuck"

Exactly. Vacating wins is meaningless. Serious violations demand future consequences.

I would suggest bowl bans, TV bans, etc., but I just remembered that the B1G has revenue sharing. Oh, crap. Therefore, I say "Good job, Gene Smith! Your self-imposed punishments are more than enough. Keep that revenue coming!"
So forfeiting wins is their strict solution and self imposed sanctioning in an attempt to avoid major repremanding from the NCAA. What a joke. Interestingly enough I guess I missed the part where they will forfeit all revenue they brought in (including bowl payout) as a result of these violations they knew nothing about. Are you f'ing kidding me. I hope they get the hammer.
The important thing is that Terrel Pryor's 4th & 10 scramble never happened, and the seventy yard touchdown drive at the end of the game in Kinnick Stadium never happened either. I can rest easier knowing that this has all been eliminated from our collective memories for good now.
Vacating wins is the most lenient penalty I can think of..I think OSU will tick off NCAA more by offering that up and saying they dont think they should have worse penalties.

It's not even a penalty. All the checks are cashed from last season and the memories stored.
The thing that bothers me the most is that I think OSU has done more damage trying to cover up their "holier than thou" *** than Jim Tressel ever did. I don't know what bothers me more the fact that they continue to claim they had no knowledge of what was going on or the fact they think it'll all get swept under the rug because they forfeited games in 2010.
The fact that they had no institutional control of the coach, the football program, and their entire athletic department is an embarassment, but WTF it'll all go away because they forfeited a couple games and cleared the record books of some wins, while they're rolling around in the revenue that was generated from these games. What a bunch of crap.
Vacating wins is the most lenient penalty I can think of..I think OSU will tick off NCAA more by offering that up and saying they dont think they should have worse penalties.

It's not even a penalty. All the checks are cashed from last season and the memories stored.

Couldn't agree with you more Jon. It's almost more of a slap in the NCAA's face than anything.

On the bright side, I used to hate OSU simply because it seemed that they were always better than us and because I was envious of their program. At least now I've got a legitimate reason to despise them.
Vacating wins is the most lenient penalty I can think of..I think OSU will tick off NCAA more by offering that up and saying they dont think they should have worse penalties.

It's not even a penalty. All the checks are cashed from last season and the memories stored.

Exactly, if you told me that Iowa would win a national title in the next decade but vacate all of those wins the following season, I would take that in a second. Vacating wins is the weakest punishment a school can hand out.
Here's a question, when the NCAA finds this less than amusing and throws the book at them, do they publicly announce that "due to such harsh sanctions passed down by the NCAA, we feel that it would be too severe of a punishment to vacate the wins during the 2010 season"?
I never realized that vacating wins was the "death penalty" for a program. I sure hope they can recover.
I think they should have to forfeit the "the" that sickenly finds it's way in front of OSU every time OSU is mentioned. And furthermore, no one assoicated with OSU will ever be able to use the word "the" again. Hows that for a punishment.
So basically OSU thinks the penalty for lying to the NCAA, compensating players with merchandise, playing inelligble players, and looking the other way while it all goes on is to change a few numbers in the stat book?
Lets not forget that OSU is a repeat offender (basketball program was put on 5 year probation in 2006). OSU acknowledges it in their official response, yet they ask the NCAA to overlook this fact because their football program vacated wins and put themselves on 2 year probation? Yeah right.

Let the hammer drop. At this point I could care less how it makes the Big Ten look. If this happened at Iowa, and it was brought to light that KF blatantly lied like this I would want him fired immediately. I wouldn't hope his job was "safe" until the media piled on so high that the university's hand was forced into showing him the door.

Tressel's lying and the initial support he received from both the OSU fans and the administration are equal parts pathetic.
There have been 28 cases involving schools with "major violations" that didn't involve a 2.8.1 (failure to monitor/LOIC) charge. Of those 28 cases exactly zero got a post season ban.
The coach and university have never taken this thing seriously.

How is this not worse than USC? Both involved compensating players (USC had boosters pay cash, OSU paid player with merchandise and went on a campaign to cover it up and minimize it after being caught). OSU continues to poo-poo the infractions and pretend the tatoos are the only issue.
How about.....in place of them placing marijuana stickers on their helmets for "doing good" have them put on "we cheat" stickers, or, a picture of a dog's butt sticking out of a doghouse.

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