Oglesby: Public Intox

Josh is probably the last Hawk basketball player I would expect to get into trouble.....

In bars the bouncers usually take care of those who are drunk, hopefully calling them a cab, or arranging transportation for them, dram shop and all that. Why were the police in the bar harassing a patron.....

The IC police appear to be getting more Gestapo like as time goes on. In DM the police have been getting progressively worse. Absolutely no breaks. Starting to see them walking dogs around cars they pulled over. They used to be nice guys for the most part, and would give people a break and a warning. No longer.....

What is happening in Ferguson Missouri is outrageous. As the former Boston Police Chief said: There is no reason to be riding armed military vehicles down the street with policemen looking at the protesters through the scope on their weapons. He said that only escalates the situation, and suggested that they move farther away from the people.....

I wonder who these provocateurs really are.....
Jack, If you like to read Ben Carsons new book gives some good insight on having productive discussions with those of differing political views without conflict. And how not to let the PC crowd stifle discussion
Never mind anyway, this thread sucks....I will never be upset with these men.
Let's go on to something else good. How do we compares to another teams in B1G in basketball?
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