Officially "had it" with Cowherd

If you like listening to DP perform fellatio on his guests, the show is right up your alley.

It's pretty bad. Every other sentence is a reference to adam sandler (perhaps the most untalented hack this side of dane cook) or trying to develop star status for "the danettes" (biggest collection of sycophant dipsh!ts ever).
I used to bounce back & forth almost equally between teh herd and DP, but for the last year or so I've been 95% herd, 5% DP.
Dan Patrick is the only sports radio personality worse than Cowherd.

If you don't like Patrick and you don't like Rome, who do you like? 10 years ago I liked Patrick and found his show pretty good, but that was when he had Rob Dibble and Sean Salisbury. Now he's not good radio at all. However, I find people usually gravitate toward Rome or Patrick because they're radio personas are opposites of each other.

Most Iowa fans gravitate towards the bubble gum radio people like Mi/M or Patrick or local crap.
If you don't like Patrick and you don't like Rome, who do you like? 10 years ago I liked Patrick and found his show pretty good, but that was when he had Rob Dibble and Sean Salisbury. Now he's not good radio at all. However, I find people usually gravitate toward Rome or Patrick because they're radio personas are opposites of each other.

Most Iowa fans gravitate towards the bubble gum radio people like Mi/M or Patrick or local crap.

C'mon, Ronco, don't post like a no0b. You've been around here long enough to know that DwayneTwill doesn't like anyone or any thing. ;) :D

(Joe King, DT. :p )
If you don't like Patrick and you don't like Rome, who do you like? /QUOTE]

I didn't realize it was required to like a sports-talk radio show during every available time slot. But, anything on WSCR is better than anything from ESPN any time of day.

I just wanted to see if anyone was actually reading my posts :D
If you don't like Patrick and you don't like Rome, who do you like? 10 years ago I liked Patrick and found his show pretty good, but that was when he had Rob Dibble and Sean Salisbury. Now he's not good radio at all.

Dibble could reign in his ego. Patrick thinks he's a star, but Dibble didn't care.

His show now is full of boot-licking toadies who stumble over one another to praise Dan and reinforce his God complex. As a result, 80% of the DP show is now about DP.
Cowherd sucks. Dan Patrick sucks worse.

Cowerd is just another typical sports radio guy, saying things for the sake of getting reactions.

Patrick, on the other hand, is one of if not the most talented guys doing radio in any genre and can make just about any subject entertaining.
i honestly have no clue what the hell the bottom 75% of your post is talking about. i can't even figure out why ur mad.

as for the msu loss he's 100% correct. they lost by 30 and it wasn't even that close. they couldn't even get a first down that game.

Of course you can't figure it out. I wasn't expecting YOU to get it.

What I did NOT expect was the main point of my post being missed by so many.

He was comparing us as "good" wins for two schools, but a "bad" loss for another. All three of those teams lost on the road.

But the WORST part--the part I couldn't fathom--was his comparing the 2011 LSU schedule to the 2007 or 2008 Iowa schedule. It's not even apples and oranges, as we weren't even in the mix ANY of those years. He should be comparing schedules from the same season, at worst. At best, he should have been explaining why an Alabama, Nebraska, Oklahoma, et. al., got into the BCS Championship game without winning their conference.

And when discussing schedules, you really can't compare anything but non-conference schedules, as conference regular season schedules are made by the conferences, NOT between two schools like non-conference games are scheduled.
You do realize, that just the day before he said Iowa was his #19 football program in the last ten years and talked Iowa up for a good couple minutes.
I'm not defending him, I just take him with a grain of salt most of the time.

Was going to bring up this point. He talked us up pretty good that day.
I find Cowherd to be pretty entertaining. He always has a take that others just don't think of when it comes to sports. Sometimes he has to REALLY stretch it to get there, but I don't mind that. Some days he pisses me off. Some he makes me laugh. Others, he makes me think, instead of just spewing the company line and softballing everybody like M&M.
When 90% of the board misses your point maybe it's time to admit your point sucks.

Losing to Iowa is not embarrassing. Losing to Iowa by 30 points is, especially when you are a top ten team with national title hopes. Any B10 team beating any Iowa team in the last twelve years is a quality win. Any B10 team losing to Iowa by 30 in the last twelve years is an embarrassing loss.

Lastly the thought that you can't compare in conference SOS is ducking fumb. Of course you can. It might not be under the schools control, and it might not be fair, but guess what prole. Life ain't always within control, and life ain't always fair.

Grab a tissue, wipe away your tears, and man the **** up.
When 90% of the board misses your point maybe it's time to admit your point sucks.

Losing to Iowa is not embarrassing. Losing to Iowa by 30 points is, especially when you are a top ten team with national title hopes. Any B10 team beating any Iowa team in the last twelve years is a quality win. Any B10 team losing to Iowa by 30 in the last twelve years is an embarrassing loss.

Lastly the thought that you can't compare in conference SOS is ducking fumb. Of course you can. It might not be under the schools control, and it might not be fair, but guess what prole. Life ain't always within control, and life ain't always fair.

Grab a tissue, wipe away your tears, and man the **** up.

In addition to Duff's rant -- Iowa teams under KF rarely blow out anyone, including the bad teams so, it is a very bad loss
My point is that he cites Iowa as "good" wins for OSU and Wisconsin on the heels of the MSU DQ.

<<Did you watch that game?>>

Are you serious? I don't miss IOWA games, sport.

Wisconsin and Ohio State got good wins over a good Iowa team. MSU was run out of town. That's all Cowherd was saying.
Boot licking toads??

Look I get that people are going to have different tastes and am annyoed by all the Sandler talk and movie crap but saying his show is all about him and he doesn't ask tough questions is laughable. Go listen to any of his interviews with the BCS director he was all over him on for saying the BCS was perfect the way it is over the last couple of years as an example. As for his show being about him it is THE DAN PATRICK SHOW. To be a good radio host you have to have some "me" tendencies as they have a lot of time to fill when not interviewing people.

As for the Danettes, if Dan really was a narcissist we wouldn't even know their names let alone hear them. McLovin is annoying as hell but I think the others add something to the show.
Was going to bring up this point. He talked us up pretty good that day.
I find Cowherd to be pretty entertaining. He always has a take that others just don't think of when it comes to sports. Sometimes he has to REALLY stretch it to get there, but I don't mind that. Some days he pisses me off. Some he makes me laugh. Others, he makes me think, instead of just spewing the company line and softballing everybody like M&M.

This. I thoroughly enjoy Cowherd and SVP for these reasons.
Was going to bring up this point. He talked us up pretty good that day.
I find Cowherd to be pretty entertaining. He always has a take that others just don't think of when it comes to sports. Sometimes he has to REALLY stretch it to get there, but I don't mind that. Some days he pisses me off. Some he makes me laugh. Others, he makes me think, instead of just spewing the company line and softballing everybody like M&M.

Cowherd is ALWAYS spewing the company line, and never trying to "make you think". He never "comes up with a take that others don't think of". His schtick is saying crap that he knows is going to be controversial or unpopular. He doesn't actually believe the things he spews, he says them because they're outrageous and ESPN believes that's good for ratings. He's very transparent.
Was going to bring up this point. He talked us up pretty good that day. I find Cowherd to be pretty entertaining. He always has a take that others just don't think of when it comes to sports. Sometimes he has to REALLY stretch it to get there, but I don't mind that. Some days he pisses me off. Some he makes me laugh. Others, he makes me think, instead of just spewing the company line and softballing everybody like M&M.
Cowherd is ALWAYS spewing the company line, and never trying to "make you think". He never "comes up with a take that others don't think of". His schtick is saying crap that he knows is going to be controversial or unpopular. He doesn't actually believe the things he spews, he says them because they're outrageous and ESPN believes that's good for ratings. He's very transparent.

Colin is as honest an on air personality as exists in sports talk radio.

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