!*****Official Purple Kitty Game Thread*****!

Gotta say that's a new one for me. I'm used to the our coaches don't want to win, and our coaches hate good quality young guys arguments. This is the first time I've heard we are kicking field goals to help our kicker win the Groza award in the same game people complained we didn't kick a 50 yard field goal on a wet playing surface. Wow. Good one.
Nice try . Nobody wanted a fifty yard FG . Nobody wanted a 30 FG either
Someone find the pre-season prediction posts....
5 tough road games, blah home schedule, except for Penn St, Neb ranked.....8-4

Minn should have been beat by SDSU and Fresno St, has played 3 backup QB's in Big 10.
Still a Hawkeye State
Iowa had a chance w/ 1:30 left to win at Mich.
Ill with shocker of the season.

Minn and Ill home games become bigger each Saturday.
Wis/Iowa game will be for 1st place.

This is what makes fans crazy about college football
Well this was going to be a shit game. ESPN gave us a shit broadcast team and B1G gave us a shit officiating crew. Missed blatant holds, a clear career-threatening facemask to Goodson not called, a bullshit call wiping out a big Goodson run, then getting the call wrong on the punt return by jNW.

Nobody cares about exciting when it goes with losing. Winning trumps exciting. Those people that say different are dumbasses and liars.
Nobody on here wants them to lose . Stop being stupid . This isn’t brain surgery. You don’t kick a fg on a 4th and 1 in their territory in the damn rain when the other team can’t do anything on offense
I’KF defenses are going to T-off on your offense at the end of the game, then throw the ball. No pity.