Official Jameson Drinkin Thread

Dude, you must write your memoir some day. Before you totally forget all that you did. :p

I've thought about it before, but I can't ever decide if it would be interesting to other people or just another burn out that got sober and wrote the same ole "I used to be a loser and now I'm not" story. But, if I did, I think between what I do remember and the police reports I'd have enough material. Plus, I already know what I would title it, "On the Drink of Disaster".
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How'd the game end, I woke up under the covers with the dog and a massive headache. Man, this wasn't a great idea on my part. I'm not reaching my full potential right now.

OK I'm going to take a leak and head to the couch... someone fill me in please.

If you woke up at 3 with a massive headache, you're either a woman who can't handle his hooch, or you're not really drinking Jameson.
Oh man... the wifey wanted to go out to dinner tonight. In addition to a lovely caesar salad, we also had a very wonderful seared scallops app , I had a ribeye (medium) and she had some incredible pasta. The place was ******* packed so we had to eat at the bar - which is fine. It was a great atmosphere and I decided to start indulging again. I had two more Jamesons, this time on the rocks, and had some of the wifes red wine.

It's like getting drunk at the airport lounge before your fight, passing out and then waking up on an airplane hungover. That is the ******* pits.

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