I guess I am most upset that after two weeks to prepare this is the result we get. I guess the coaches should have figured out that new video system and put it to good use. We are simply getting outcoached and outplayed in every facet of the game. That is what is most upsetting after two weeks.
We knew our defense was the weak point. The sad fact in this game is we only have three points with 8min left to play. The defense is doing great for what skill we have. We can't expect to win many games this year scoring less then two touch downs. We're going to need some of PSUs first half luck to get back in this.
Iowa has 48 offensive plays. Seriously. Now that is hilarious. That does include the 4 when we were trying to burn the clock with 2 MINUTES TO GO in First Half Oh and we had 2 timeouts.. :)
Norm's gotta being tearing his hair out. Norm Parker defenses don't get run on like this. I'm sure at some point in the early years we had this kind of trouble with the run, but it's been a long time. There is just no gap control. We're getting pushed wherever they want us to go.

They aren't very good, but I can't blame the defense TOO much when PSU has us beat by at least 10 minutes on time of possession. They've gotta be gassed.

Our offense can't stay on the field.

3 points.

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