Our coaches better come up with another miracle or every one of them should get their ***** ripped. What have they been practicing all week?
Don't be so pessemistic. Guarantee O'Keefe finally opens up the playbook and we'll go down and score a TD.
Why is this the defenses fault? Okeefe is the one calling crap plays

Agreed. Our defense is bad, but every year, they are always on the field the ENTIRE freaking game. If our offense was even competent.....

3 points. Pathetic.
How in the hell do we not bring the house on that third and six? Our line backers literally just stood there.
We are toast....looks like the team went backward after a week off....too bad, we had chances to put points on the board but offense looks clueless and defense is tired and made of paper....time is running out....the rest of the season is going to be a tough haul if we play like this....
You'd think with how crappy our DLine is that they'd at least be young. Daniels, Binns, Daniel and Forgy are all SRs. How gross is that?
Our defense has no idea how to get separation. They just stand straight up and watch a guy run right by them.

Norm's gotta being tearing his hair out. Norm Parker defenses don't get run on like this. I'm sure at some point in the early years we had this kind of trouble with the run, but it's been a long time. There is just no gap control. We're getting pushed wherever they want us to go.

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