halftime thoughts, this defense would fit in well in the big 12. Offense, hard to say. I'd like to believe it's that good but I think it's more Miami is just that bad. Targeting call was pure BS, when's the last time you've seen a targeting call on a punt return.........never, because this is the first time it's ever happened in the history of football. Getting the makeup call on the McCarron fumble/touchback doesn't make up for losing your 2nd best defensive player the 4th play of the game. guess more will be revealed in the next 30 minutes. All I gotta say is the defense better nut up.

It's one game let's not jump off a cliff yet.
Scoreboard watching -- Wisky impressive up 6 - 0 at half.

No. The offense has done it's job today. They've been doing this with mosty vanilla play calling.
And great field position mostly thanks to D, punting, and Desmond King.
Theres been a few Defensive plays in this game, that is really conserning going into BIG play.
Why does the defensive player stand back and watch a player stop and stutter step instead of just attacking the player?

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