Rizzo goes from no home runs all spring/WBC to blasting one his first pitch? DAFUQ
Maybe I missed something by not watching many games on WGN last season, or they changed something this season, but did anyone else not like the camera angle where it is directly in line behind the pitcher? I recall ESPN trying it a few years ago, and in my opinion just doesn't work. I know, it's a small thing, but did anyone else notice?

Solid outing by The Shark today, and some great defense played by Rizzo and Castro in late innings.
Here's something I've always wondered about - why do the Cubs have the day after the opener off? I understand that the league builds more off days into the schedule early in the year, but it seems pretty dumb to gives both teams an off day when it's a division game.
It's not just the Cubs, a lot of teams have that schedule. I think a lot of it has to do with the weather and having that day off just in case opening day is postponed.
That's his pitch, though. He lives and dies with it.

I know it is his pitch, but he is hanging it over the plate like a hanging curveball. Any slider with any bite on it was not anywhere near the strike zone.

He went through this same crap last year early in the season. By the end of the year his slider was cutting sharply through the strike zone and he was using his fastball effectively.
It's not just the Cubs, a lot of teams have that schedule. I think a lot of it has to do with the weather and having that day off just in case opening day is postponed.

I would understand it if the games were out of division, but the Cubs and Pirates don't need today off, especially when so many teams (not the Cubs) will go the entire month of September with only one day off.
I would understand it if the games were out of division, but the Cubs and Pirates don't need today off, especially when so many teams (not the Cubs) will go the entire month of September with only one day off.

I think the league wants Opening Day to be "special" so they try to limit the schedule the first couple days of the season so that there are fewer games going on at the same time.
Cubs just signed Sweeney. I remember watching him play CABA when i was younger and he threw smoke and couldve been a good pitcher too. Nobody wanted to get in the box. He's a super athlete.

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