OC buzz in IC around Marv Cook

Does the buzz around IC have to do with the U or with Regina? In Ankeny, Cook's name has come up several times for the 1 of the 2 high school jobs in town.
Im also hearing Roy Marble with the offensive coordinator position. I guess you could do a lot worse than Iowa's all time leading scorer
How can you keep saying there's buzz and smoke, yet not know anything about what the buzz or smoke is? Makes no sense whatsoever unless you are saying there appears to be a fire in Iowa City that is emitting a lot of smoke and they are trying to put out the fire with thousands of bees, causing a buzz.

You're better than this.

Maybe smoke was going a little far, but rumblings, definite rumblings going throught he student boday and the itk's in IC.
Cook ain't leaving IC to coach a HS team, that's just wishful/stupid talk from HS football fans.
Yes. Did you know that his hair is woven into the Sri Lankan flag?

Yes. Did you know that one strand of Marv Cook's hair has the strength to support over 1,000 pounds?

I highly doubt it. I can't claim first hand knowledge of Marv's relationship with Kirk, but Marv has never been shy to criticize on the radio...he doesn't go shock jock crazy, but I just don't see that happening for a number of reasons, the main being he's just been a high school coach at a private school that has advantages other schools in the same classes don't have.

OK, Jon...I'll take the bait.

For the record, I am a Regina graduate. Just wondering what these so-called "advantages" are?

I think it's funny when Regina succeeds at a sport, it's because of "recruiting" or some other garbage. FWIW, most if not all of their football starters the last few years have been at Regina starting in preschool or kindergarten.

Money? Sure, there are some wealthy and generous families that support Regina. But that isn't unique to Regina or other private schools. And there's plenty of 1A/2A towns with public schools that are "all in" for their football program. I'd put your West Branch Bears in that category, Aplington-Parkersburg, Emmetsburg, etc.

I won't deny having former UI players/coaches on the current Regina staff is a nice thing, but it isn't the first time this has been the case, either. I think Bernie Wyatt was actually head coach back in the day.

As this pertains to Iowa football, I think the staff would benefit from adding a guy like Cook or Hinkel at some point in time. They run a great high school program that appears to be VERY well organized from top to bottom. Not sure how that would translate to the B1G but I'm sure they could do a lot worse.
OK, Jon...I'll take the bait.

For the record, I am a Regina graduate. Just wondering what these so-called "advantages" are?

I think it's funny when Regina succeeds at a sport, it's because of "recruiting" or some other garbage. FWIW, most if not all of their football starters the last few years have been at Regina starting in preschool or kindergarten.

Money? Sure, there are some wealthy and generous families that support Regina. But that isn't unique to Regina or other private schools. And there's plenty of 1A/2A towns with public schools that are "all in" for their football program. I'd put your West Branch Bears in that category, Aplington-Parkersburg, Emmetsburg, etc.

I won't deny having former UI players/coaches on the current Regina staff is a nice thing, but it isn't the first time this has been the case, either. I think Bernie Wyatt was actually head coach back in the day.

As this pertains to Iowa football, I think the staff would benefit from adding a guy like Cook or Hinkel at some point in time. They run a great high school program that appears to be VERY well organized from top to bottom. Not sure how that would translate to the B1G but I'm sure they could do a lot worse.

I've taught in both public and parochial schools and it's not as much about recruiting as it is the make up of the student body. Public schools are divided pretty evenly into thirds: jocks, nerds, and ****heads. In a parochial school, the divide is more 50-50 between jocks and nerds. The state has finally started talking about a multiplier to move parochial schools up (like most states already do) because of the unfair advantage.

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