OC buzz in IC around Marv Cook

Hearing buzz in IC that there is some smoke re marv cook and Iowa around an OC job. Its coming from people in the "Regina Loop" and they don't have any UI connections. I found it interesting but take it FWIW.

Unless I missed seeing it, there has not been a job posted onlinein HR here, so a new hire can't be in the offing in the next few days! The system is cumbersome , but telling!!

And don't forget that, in doing so, he ran over Bobo Pelini before crossing the goal line. That might be the intimidation we need get a leg up on our border rival.

Really? Ill take him on that alone. And after every game I want him to race across the field and do it again. Flatten that hot head
I wouldn't take that bet, but it wouldn't surprise me if he ends up on the staff in another spot.
Bingo. Davis was very "qualified".

Whether this has legs or not, Cook was a highly successful player at Iowa, had an NFL career and has proven he can coach... even if it is in high school. He also gives a sh** about Iowa football.

Think Brett Bielema.. but with better character.

Haha. Ummmm no. Bret actually coaches
Hearing buzz in IC that there is some smoke re marv cook and Iowa around an OC job. Its coming from people in the "Regina Loop" and they don't have any UI connections. I found it interesting but take it FWIW.

I highly doubt it. I can't claim first hand knowledge of Marv's relationship with Kirk, but Marv has never been shy to criticize on the radio...he doesn't go shock jock crazy, but I just don't see that happening for a number of reasons, the main being he's just been a high school coach at a private school that has advantages other schools in the same classes don't have.
I highly doubt it. I can't claim first hand knowledge of Marv's relationship with Kirk, but Marv has never been shy to criticize on the radio...he doesn't go shock jock crazy, but I just don't see that happening for a number of reasons, the main being he's just been a high school coach at a private school that has advantages other schools in the same classes don't have.

JD, aren't you and Marv about the same age, and aren't you from the same town (WB)?
I highly doubt it. I can't claim first hand knowledge of Marv's relationship with Kirk, but Marv has never been shy to criticize on the radio...he doesn't go shock jock crazy, but I just don't see that happening for a number of reasons, the main being he's just been a high school coach at a private school that has advantages other schools in the same classes don't have.

Uh oh, watch out for the Regina crowd with that one. Or are they too good to be on here? They don't stand for that kind of talk. They say public schools actually have the advantage.
I heard it was going to be Henry Winkler. He is not a real OC but he played one on tv, and is that not what we saw this year every time GD was shown on the tube?