Nunge Suffers Torn ACL

So what if a coach puts together Raveling type rosters every year but 3 of the years suffers injuries to his top 4 players and ends up in the NIT? Do you want him gone because he missed 3 out of 4? That's obviously an extreme example, but it's to prove a point that this season would be out of his control. Again, this is only applicable if we show we were probably a tournament team without the injuries.

I guess I'll just ask this. Is there any amount of injuries that would make you totally eliminate the season from your equation for evaluating the coach?
Injuries are definitely a factor. They weigh into the decision. At this point it looks like we are losing our 5th starter. We’ve known about Bohannon for some time and have at least had some ability to offset it. Nonetheless it’s still a loss we will feel.

It’s not any one thing, but missing the tournament 3 out of 4 years is what the records will most likely indicate. If that happens you wonder where the program is at and where it is headed. Nobody feels very good about recruiting right now.
Injuries are definitely a factor. They weigh into the decision. At this point it looks like we are losing our 5th starter. We’ve known about Bohannon for some time and have at least had some ability to offset it. Nonetheless it’s still a loss we will feel.

It’s not any one thing, but missing the tournament 3 out of 4 years is what the records will most likely indicate. If that happens you wonder where the program is at and where it is headed. Nobody feels very good about recruiting right now.

But Barta is the AD. The program is headed where it's headed under Fran. Nunge is a big loss to the ceiling of this team, but I think not as big loss a to the floor which I see as better than the 4-14 season. There's significantly more talent and experience on this team. If Pemsl can return to Freshman form and no one else goes down, I think flexing Wieskamp to the 4 and Connor to the 3 can sustain us to be a bubble team. Riley Till will also likely be seeing a number of minutes at those spots now, which I don't feel awful about.

Fredrick looks like the real deal, Garza is showing off his improvements, and Connor has stuck to his role and looked improved. Toussaint is already finding ways to help even when he can't score going 100 MPH on offense and defense. This team can still get it done and in some ways, forcing Fran to tighten the rotation will having its own benefits. I'm not ready to pack it in yet. But I also have to get all this positive stuff out there before the decimation that's about to occur in Vegas.
The excuse for the first year is we are iowa so we aren't going to make it every year. The is no excuse for the second year. This year all depends on the outcome. If we barely miss the tournament and lose some close games, anyone with any ability for critical thinking would know we would have made it without the 2 injuries. If it's a season like a couple years ago, it's pretty easy to deduce we wouldn't have made it either year. If it's the latter, he really needs to go. If it's the former, in my opinion I chalk the season up to bad luck. I'm not going to condemn a coach for injuries as long as the season shows me without much doubt that we would have been a tournament team without the injuries.

If Iowa plays that well and they just miss, I might feel different - especially with how the injuries are starting to lay out. Unfortunately I am bracing for something much different. I hope I am wrong....and me saying I hope I am wrong is not just lip service you get around here from people who really just want Iowa to fail. I want Fran to be Iowa's coach for the foreseeable future and I want to support him more than any other coach in any sport I watch - I want the Hawkeyes to be successful period. I just no longer know or feel that Fran is the guy to do it. 2 years ago I felt certain, even after the bad season. I hope he proves me wrong and I get off the train I am on now... really, the only reason I got aboard it was a lot of what has transpired since the start of last year that I just don't like.

DJ Carton #1
Moss #2
XF #3

Couple that with how the 2020 class now looks at least on paper and then getting our doors blown off by Depaul... it's put me ahead of schedule on Fran .... it really has. I want to be wrong but at some point I just have to start looking at things for what they are.
If it didn't feel like it before it sure does now. Time to hit the reset button folks. Play through Garza (they'd have done that anyway) as best you can. Get CJF touches and let him go through some up and down nights. Let Joe T do his thing. Give him more mins. But as far as having expectations of getting this group in the top half of the BIG or hearing their names called in March to go dancing.... I'd temper those expectations down a ton.
If Iowa plays that well and they just miss, I might feel different - especially with how the injuries are starting to lay out. Unfortunately I am bracing for something much different. I hope I am wrong....and me saying I hope I am wrong is not just lip service you get around here from people who really just want Iowa to fail. I want Fran to be Iowa's coach for the foreseeable future and I want to support him more than any other coach in any sport I watch - I want the Hawkeyes to be successful period. I just no longer know or feel that Fran is the guy to do it. 2 years ago I felt certain, even after the bad season. I hope he proves me wrong and I get off the train I am on now... really, the only reason I got aboard it was a lot of what has transpired since the start of last year that I just don't like.

DJ Carton #1
Moss #2
XF #3

Couple that with how the 2020 class now looks at least on paper and then getting our doors blown off by Depaul... it's put me ahead of schedule on Fran .... it really has. I want to be wrong but at some point I just have to start looking at things for what they are.
I know I've mentioned it on other threads too but missing out on him to me was a huge domino to the falling of the Fran era. Getting him may have meant #2 on your list stays. (Maybe maybe not) #3 on your list I would venture to say would have ended up a Hawk if Carton would have. Carton and Joe T would have made a heck of a tandem... But I digress back to your point. I'm buying what your selling. I don't want to but unless some of these youngins outperform what most feel is their ceilings things don't look too great for the next couple yrs
I don't really need to pile on with regards to the program and what it means to this season. I wasn't optimistic before, but this is just another hit.

More than anything, I feel bad for Jack sitting out last year, and now he's missing most of this season. I've never experienced that first hand, but it's gotta be a bitter pill to swallow basically not playing for 2 years.
I really feel for Nunge, what a devastating break for him. As far as the team goes, I don't think this makes a bit of difference, as this is a NIT team at best with or without Nunge.
Terrible news for sure. You just gotta feel for the guy because he voluntarily sat out a year to get bigger and stronger. PMac sitting out, JBo temporarily sidelined, what’s next? Now it’s time for Ryan Kreiner and Cordell Pemsl to step up. Definitely a hit to Iowa’s frontline depth. Bet we see more of Riley Till this season.
Injuries are definitely a factor. They weigh into the decision. At this point it looks like we are losing our 5th starter. We’ve known about Bohannon for some time and have at least had some ability to offset it. Nonetheless it’s still a loss we will feel.

It’s not any one thing, but missing the tournament 3 out of 4 years is what the records will most likely indicate. If that happens you wonder where the program is at and where it is headed. Nobody feels very good about recruiting right now.

I big time get that the program looks sketchy for a lot of reasons right now. I'm just saying when certain injuries happen, a season should be completely scratched from the records as far as decision making goes. If you scratch it from the record, you cant still say he's made the tournament 1 out of 4 years. It has to still be 1 out of 3. Now is the loss of Nunge and Bohannon enough to completely scratch the season? I could go either way on that.

A lot of people say the only thing that matters is the bottom line. It's a good thing those people don't have to make tough decisions. If you only look at the bottom line and completely disregard how you got there, you're terrible at your job.
I feel bad for Nunge. He was just coming into his own the last couple of games. I doubt the team will be successful this year without him.
If Iowa plays that well and they just miss, I might feel different - especially with how the injuries are starting to lay out. Unfortunately I am bracing for something much different. I hope I am wrong....and me saying I hope I am wrong is not just lip service you get around here from people who really just want Iowa to fail. I want Fran to be Iowa's coach for the foreseeable future and I want to support him more than any other coach in any sport I watch - I want the Hawkeyes to be successful period. I just no longer know or feel that Fran is the guy to do it. 2 years ago I felt certain, even after the bad season. I hope he proves me wrong and I get off the train I am on now... really, the only reason I got aboard it was a lot of what has transpired since the start of last year that I just don't like.

DJ Carton #1
Moss #2
XF #3

Couple that with how the 2020 class now looks at least on paper and then getting our doors blown off by Depaul... it's put me ahead of schedule on Fran .... it really has. I want to be wrong but at some point I just have to start looking at things for what they are.

I've got no problem with people being down on Fran. I don't think there is any reason to talk about it in a thread about Nunge tearing his ACL like its somehow another strike against him. "Now we're for sure going to suck, Fran needs to go". That really needs said here?

I'm not saying that's exactly what you are saying. But its it's close.
Just wondering here.... he's already had a redshirt season, taken voluntarily. Would he qualify for a second redshirt season due to injury?
Just wondering here.... he's already had a redshirt season, taken voluntarily. Would he qualify for a second redshirt season due to injury?

If not, him taking a red shirt last year was a complete waste, which sucks for him bad.
no way i'm holding my breath, here.

The good news is Nunge wasn't exactly setting the world on fire with his play underneath the hoop, it's not like they are trying to replace Garza. Nunge is a better perimeter shooter but I think Iowa can survive without that.

But I'm not expecting a ton out of Pemsl either, or Kriener for that matter.
The good news is Nunge wasn't exactly setting the world on fire with his play underneath the hoop, it's not like they are trying to replace Garza. Nunge is a better perimeter shooter but I think Iowa can survive without that.

But I'm not expecting a ton out of Pemsl either, or Kriener for that matter.

but what nunge had started doing and doing well is taking and hitting the ft line jumper. that's a shot i begged cook to take for 3 seasons; in fact, it's a shot that's been missing from frans offense from almost the beginning. i don't expect pemsl to start taking that shot. if he does and is successful, then he can impact. watch how often he'll be standing at the ft line with the ball and no one guarding him and he doesn't even consider taking the shot.
I've got no problem with people being down on Fran. I don't think there is any reason to talk about it in a thread about Nunge tearing his ACL like its somehow another strike against him. "Now we're for sure going to suck, Fran needs to go". That really

I'm not saying that's exactly what you are saying. But its it's close.
yeah I didn’t mean to take it there, my meme kind of did, I was more referring to things just being a sick mess with Iowa basketball. But then it went there and so did I. Sorry
Just chalk this year up as a rebuilding year. Sit JBo and PMac. Get JoeT and CJFred as many minutes as possible so they're ready to make a big jump next year.

I was leaning this way after the Depaul game. Then I thought I was overreacting. Yeah, now it is pretty obvious it is about the 20-21 season.

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