NORM! Chant: Officially Embraced by Iowa

Well considering the SID already came out speaking about it on 3rd downs, it's already a huge swelling, they screwed it up. Like I said. It will be on 3rd downs.

Here is the Iowa Hawkeyes facebook:

Iowa Hawkeyes This Saturday to scream and chant "Norm" on every Wisconsin third down. The idea is to do this in honor of Norm Parker who has been hospitalized more then once and is in a serious battle with his diabetes. Can you imagine how pumped up the defense will get if the entire stadium is rocking with a Norm chant. Those watching on TV want to hear the crowd. Go to work guys and lets make this happen. NORM, NORM, NORMMM!!!!

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure this facebook page wasn't started by the Iowa SID. So the SID never once said it would be on 3rd down.
Since 1st down comes before 3rd down, people will hear it then and figure it out.

(You're welcome. No extra charge for this wisdom. God Bless America, and Norm.)

Sheer genius in its logical simplicity. Something only a drummer would come up with.
The absolute best thing to do on 3rd downs is to yell:

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." as loud as you can and continuously from the time the QB walks to the LOS until the ball is snapped. The "Ah" sound is the loudest sound a human can project. That's what I do on 3rd downs (even when watching the game on TV).