NORM! Chant: Officially Embraced by Iowa

Aaaaaaaand of course they screw it up. It will be 3rd downs. Not 1st downs. They're a tad late on this.
This is suggested so that the chant does not compete with other traditions that occur at the start of each and/or random opponent third downs within Kinnick Stadium
They want it on 1st down, they didnt screw up.

Well considering the SID already came out speaking about it on 3rd downs, it's already a huge swelling, they screwed it up. Like I said. It will be on 3rd downs.

Here is the Iowa Hawkeyes facebook:

Iowa Hawkeyes This Saturday to scream and chant "Norm" on every Wisconsin third down. The idea is to do this in honor of Norm Parker who has been hospitalized more then once and is in a serious battle with his diabetes. Can you imagine how pumped up the defense will get if the entire stadium is rocking with a Norm chant. Those watching on TV want to hear the crowd. Go to work guys and lets make this happen. NORM, NORM, NORMMM!!!!
I like the first down idea for only one reason i think it would be great to motivate on 1st down and we dont really do alot on first down right now. I can tell you that when the vistor is on a 3rd down usually its not any words being said just one load annoying roar that has to bother the opposition. I think the roar is more devastating to the snap count than Norm Norm Norm.

Use Norm on first down and yell like a mad man on 3 downs.
This has fail written all over it.

Facebook group with over 6,000 people along with thousands of message board readers from the last 3 days have all been told 3rd down.

University sends an email to season ticket holders saying 1st down.

This has fail written all over it.

Facebook group with over 6,000 people along with thousands of message board readers from the last 3 days have all been told 3rd down.

University sends an email to season ticket holders saying 1st down.


Exactly. Par for the course for the marketing dept unfortunately.
I like the idea of first down better then third. But yes this might not work at all because people might get confused. Hopefully whoever is running the facebook changes it to 1st down now.
As the release said, there are third down traditions Iowa has, and things they do to amp up the noise. I think its a good idea to leave those alone. Iowa is embracing something the fans came up with. i dont think its a bad thing. And the more the word gets out the next day or so, it won't be a fail.

Everyone just do their part. I am doing a standup in the morning for the BTN pregame show, and I will try to work in the mention there as well as my sports casts tomorrow on we all do our part, and it works fine.
I like the idea of first down better then third. But yes this might not work at all because people might get confused. Hopefully whoever is running the facebook changes it to 1st down now.
Facebook group says:

"Edit: The university sent out emails to chant Norm after Wisconsin breaks the huddle on first downs. I think most are still in favor of the 3rd down idea so we'll have to see if the university keeps their 1st down idea. Or maybe we could do both. Either way they haven't put us in a very good position.

On every 3rd down Wisconsin faces get everyone to chant "NORM, NORM, NORM." To honor and encourage Norm Parker, our defensive coordinator, in his battle with diabetes and complications from it."
agreed, this will be on newscasts, newspapers, press releases, etc. 6,000 people on facebook is a drop in the bucket...
They've read the 3rd down SID release on every local radio show I've listened to this week. On both 1460 and 1700 so...we shall see.
Also, I think I would have rather had the chant done after third down stops than on first downs. Give the defense extra motivation to get that stop on third down so they could hear Norm's name chanted by 70,000 plus.
Why does no one ever ask my opinion? :)

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