New Tradition


Well-Known Member
Those of you that have liked the Hawkeye Heaven page on FB may already be well aware of this idea. It's been thrown out there that after the end of the 1st quarter for everyone in the stands (players & coaches too I hope) will all wave at the kids in the childrens hospital across the street. There are several rooms that have a view of the stadium. I think it'd be extremely awesome. Iowa does so much for kids and that hospital I don't see why they wouldn't. This would be a unique thing to Iowa and we all know those kids and their folks would appreciate it. I say spread the word and make it happen game 1 this year.
With a short announcement from the public address announcer they should be able to pull this off. Might actually be right up there with the "jump around" at Wisconsin for something interesting between quarters.
Called "The Wave".

Would also be great TV shot and talking point, especially during National televised games. Great promotion.
They need to maybe pick a tune of some kind to play for it. That might be a tad tricky as they tend to be cheesy and maybe even lame with their music choices. But surely they can come up with something (that'd be for just the fans though doubt the kids would be able to hear it)
They need to maybe pick a tune of some kind to play for it. That might be a tad tricky as they tend to be cheesy and maybe even lame with their music choices. But surely they can come up with something (that'd be for just the fans though doubt the kids would be able to hear it)

Has to be an Ed Sheeran song.
With a short announcement from the public address announcer they should be able to pull this off. Might actually be right up there with the "jump around" at Wisconsin for something interesting between quarters.

This is such a better idea than Jump Around. It actually serves a good purpose that is bigger than the game. Outstanding, just an outstanding idea.
I guess I could put one beer down at the end of the first quarter and wave...oh wait, you mean people in the stadium. Ok, I'll just shake my foot then. Actually, good idea.
They've got to pull it off. It'd be the best tradition thing ever! I could just imagine the huge smiles on those kids faces.........priceless!
You could think that this would be a great idea to put the Iowa football program in a great light... But really this is about those kids that are struggling to live. I just hope that those watching understand who this is for? As a father I can't imagine being in that children section and praying that my child will live. I love this idea. This is so much greater than Jump Around. This is honoring the children that are fighting for their lives. I hope the university does this.
I don't know. Call me cynical, but this just feels like something that could turn into a thing that is easily mocked or made fun of.

Nobody cares if you make fun of the jump around tradition. It does not really hurt anybody feelings if you make fun of jump around.

Maybe i should try to think more positively.
I don't know. Call me cynical, but this just feels like something that could turn into a thing that is easily mocked or made fun of.

Nobody cares if you make fun of the jump around tradition. It does not really hurt anybody feelings if you make fun of jump around.

Maybe i should try to think more positively.
I hadn't thought of that. Perhaps it could but that would say a whole lot more those that do the mocking than anything... Shouldn't let some public shaming deter one from doing something noble.
I hadn't thought of that. Perhaps it could but that would say a whole lot more those that do the mocking than anything... Shouldn't let some public shaming deter one from doing something noble.

I'm not worried about people mocking or not understanding. The announcers and videoboard can help explain it. However, I think it needs to be more than just turning and waving. It needs to be more nuanced so that it sends a message. Perhaps something like starting with a wave, then a heart tap, then a thumbs up.

Another good idea would be to skip a round during the I-O-W-A and let the kids in the windows do all the letters while the crowd goes wild. Maybe go floor-by-floor for the letters. It would take some coordination (give them letters according to floor), but would be awesome.
I'm not worried about people mocking or not understanding. The announcers and videoboard can help explain it. However, I think it needs to be more than just turning and waving. It needs to be more nuanced so that it sends a message. Perhaps something like starting with a wave, then a heart tap, then a thumbs up.

Another good idea would be to skip a round during the I-O-W-A and let the kids in the windows do all the letters while the crowd goes wild. Maybe go floor-by-floor for the letters. It would take some coordination (give them letters according to floor), but would be awesome.
Yeah I'm with ya, just standing up and everyone waving in an uncoordinated deal might not have the best effect. I'm sure those that have marketing degrees that sit around thinking of stuff can come up with something similar to where your going.
I'm not worried about people mocking or not understanding. The announcers and videoboard can help explain it. However, I think it needs to be more than just turning and waving. It needs to be more nuanced so that it sends a message. Perhaps something like starting with a wave, then a heart tap, then a thumbs up.

Another good idea would be to skip a round during the I-O-W-A and let the kids in the windows do all the letters while the crowd goes wild. Maybe go floor-by-floor for the letters. It would take some coordination (give them letters according to floor), but would be awesome.

Wait, these are sick kids in the hospital, right? That does sounds very hard to coordinate. Is it not enough tthat the kids, if they are strong enough, can watch the football game from their window?