Keep em coming guys. The tech who installed this much be reading this thread I sure as heck have no idea how to do this stuff.
The picture issue doesn't seem to be just me. JonDMiller also posted a pic in the 2-deep thread and it when I click it, it is too small to read.
On the old site, when you clicked 'Forum' at the top, it would take you to the most recent topics, not the list of forums. Do you think you could restore that feature? For example, when you go to the home page and click on Forums, it will take you to the newest posts page but not when you are in the threads.
I can't restore it like that, but if you click on the 'What's New' link it does the same thing
My bad, I didn't even see that. Oops.
A question, Jon:
Selecting the "From URL" tab in the Insert Image pop-up includes this option, checked on default: "Retrieve remote file and reference locally"
I assume that means you want the site to retrieve the file of the photo you (the poster) have linked from another site and put it in your HN account, as if you uploaded it from your computer. The first two times I tried it the site said the file was too large. Un-checking that option allows you to link the photo to your HN post without any further problem.
1) Wondering if it would be better to have the "Retrieve remote file and reference locally" not checked on default?
2) Is that option even necessary? Does anyone really need to have HN pull a file from another site and upload it for them into their HN account?
BTW, a big THANK YOU for investing your money, creativity, energy, time (incl time away from family) on continuing to work to upgrade your site. As posters it is easy to lose sight of the forest for the trees and ***** and moan about little things (like design). But as a businessman and an entrepreneur, I applaud your efforts to keep improving your product.
I keep getting a message that says "Internet Explorer has modified this page to prevent cross-site scripting". Not sure what that means, but it's annoying as all get out.
Jon, your posts, like Kirk's press conf, game film post, and Jared's MMQB used to show up in my RSS reader but they are no longer showing up automatically. Is that an error or am I doing something wrong. (with my tech abilities I assume it is me!)