New Show on the BTN that I will be a part of

Great news Jon. Maybe after a while doing The pulse you can get Deace to be a guest on the show occasionally. That would be sweet. I love your guys morning show.

I am so happy for you! This is awesome. You have represented the Hawks well and deserve this opportunity. Also, you won't have to worry about placating Deace - What a bonus!

Here's some suggestions. 1) Don't try to make clever puns out of people's names. Somebody should tell Berman that his 1980's self called to say the schtick is old.

Also, 2) don't come up with some incoherent noise like Booyaa as an exclamation.

3) Don't ask questions to which we already know the answer, or which we already know and expect the stereotypical answer. Asking questions that bring forth actual insight just takes a few seconds of critical thinking. Do it.

4) If someone gives a clever or insightful answer to a question. Stay there. Look for more elaboration. Actually ask questions that encourage elaboration. Too many times I see sports interviewers seem to be more worried about getting through their list of questions than giving us something interesting to hear.

5) Have fun!
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4) If someone gives a clever or insightful answer to a question. Stay there. Look for more elaboration. Actually ask questions that encourage elaboration. Too many times I see sports interviewers seem to be more worried about getting through their list of questions than giving us something interesting to hear.

In a 30 minute TV show (they may expand it to 60), you have 24 minutes on the air. Not a lot of time to follow up and free form talk if you want to cover several topics. I would prefer fewer topics and more meat...but this will be a show that goes for broad conference appeal, so I am guessing the pace may be more rapid. Then again, none of us knows what it will become.
In a 30 minute TV show (they may expand it to 60), you have 24 minutes on the air. Not a lot of time to follow up and free form talk if you want to cover several topics. I would prefer fewer topics and more meat...but this will be a show that goes for broad conference appeal, so I am guessing the pace may be more rapid. Then again, none of us knows what it will become.

Just get in and do some team interviews and look for something that we don't expect. Bring that to the table and you will go a long way to making your mark.

Also, break down some tape and look for tendencies that can help us focus on certain things during the game.

All of this can be done during the week prior to walking into the studio.
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Jon...congrats on the huge opportunity.

Remember, no need to sit in the middle of the road in terms of bias. Take your Hawkeye flag with you and waive it mightily whenever possible. :)
Congrats! I look forward to the show!
Now that you are in, can you do something to get this joker out?


I seriously think he is singlehandedly damaging the quality/reputation of the BTN. I know whenever he is on, I change the channel.
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Congrats Jon,
Maybe you could talk them into replaying some old Bowl games like the shalackin we put on Texas in the 1984 Freedom Bowl..
Jon, who will be the host?

This is a general conference show for football and basketball? How many people were tried out?

Does this mean you will be attending some Iowa games this year?

So will you be working less in the summer because of this? That will be nice?

Good luck flying to Chicago all winter! Yikes!
Congrats, Jon! Now, I was expecting something like the Decision from LeBron.

"Well, I have decided, for one day a week (this is hard), I will be taking my talents to Lake Michigan".

Imagine the ratings! At least, here on HN.

Good luck with this!
I keep waiting for Ashton Kutcher to pop out from behind VintageHawkeye's screen name and tell Jon "YOU'VE BEEN PUNKED!"...seriously, Jon...what the hell???

All kidding aside, congratulations Jon! You've earned it!

Now do us proud an' don'tchu be a'lettin' them there bright lights of the big city go a'changin' remember your roots, boy! Ya hear!?!?

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