New Show on the BTN that I will be a part of

Congrats Jon, what a huge opportunity for you. How did Deace take the news that you will have less hours of obligation at the radio station?

Wow, that's great Jon, good for you! Congrats!!
Congrats Jon! No radio show on Friday's though now? I'm not going to like that. You and Deace's best shows are the Friday's before football gamedays I think.
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Congrats, Jon.

It will suck that you will no longer be part of Miller and Deace on Friday mornings, the day before each football game.
Jon D. Miller, a man whose ship has just come in (or is nearing the harbor, anyway)! :)
Congratulations, great opportunity, and it'll be fun to watch your inaugural program and those that follow.
Can you get me the autographs of Chris Martin and Wayne Larrivee?!? :eek::D
Deace has got to be soooooooooooooo jealous. Time to start being a little more biased jon, that is a pre-req!
I don't even remember what we did on Friday's. In fact, I recall thinking that it was the worst day of the week...we had pretty much broken everything down by then. We did our Pick segment on Thursday, didn't we? I guess look at it this way; we now have just four days a week, and will slam everything into eight hours.
Deace has got to be soooooooooooooo jealous. Time to start being a little more biased jon, that is a pre-req!

He writes Op/Ed's for newspapers in Washington, he gives speeches for Presidential candidates, etc. I don't think there is any jealousy. Although I wish he and I could do that show together.
Great job Jon. We'll miss hearing you on the radio show on Fridays, but you can bet we'll all be tuned in on Thursday nights! Really looking forward to it!