We get it that you don't like it. If good posters leave the free board then there's obviously demand for a pay site (which there is plenty of so far). There are a TON of new posters over there so far who've made the comment that they've lurked for years but never participated because of the trolling and now they will because of the moderation.

What I don't get is how adamant you are that Jon and Rob can't run a business how they want.
It's not like you're going to lose out on anything because the idea isn't that there's a bunch of top secret, for our eyes only info. When you boil it down it's basically paying a small fee in order to have a moderated board, which a lot of people have wanted for a long time. I mean this respectfully, but after a couple of these posts what you're doing is akin to flopping on the floor at Walmart and throwing a fit because mom won't buy you a GI Joe. If you want what's being offered, great; if you don't then it's your choice--no one's forcing you to swipe your card. At the end of the day, if there wasn't demand for it no one would join, but that's not the case.

Did you completely miss this part of my post?

Look, I own my own business. I get it. You have to pivot and adapt in order to survive because things change. I don't mean to be disrespectful of the decision you guys have made. I wish you luck with it. It's just a big pivot from where the site started and I'm not a fan. No hard feelings.

I'm not adamant at all that they can't run a business how they want. In fact, I said quite the opposite. Just sharing my opinion. Frankly, if I'm going to pay for a premium membership I'll pay for HR. The primary reason I frequent this site is because it's been free for everyone. Meaning the free side is where everyone hangs out. The free side is who Jon and Rob cater to. Now, that's not going to be the case.
Did you completely miss this part of my post?
No, I didn't miss it at all. I also didn't miss that you had 3 really long posts complaining about it. I just think that you're bordering on temper tantrum territory for no reason. The free site won't change, all of the people who posted regularly on the free side aren't just going to up and quit all of a sudden. If you want to pay Hawkeye Report no one is going to chastise you. You're making a mountain out of a mole hill, especially for $0.75 a week.
No, I didn't miss it at all. I also didn't miss that you had 3 really long posts complaining about it. I just think that you're bordering on temper tantrum territory for no reason. The free site won't change, all of the people who posted regularly on the free side aren't just going to up and quit all of a sudden. If you want to pay Hawkeye Report no one is going to chastise you. You're making a mountain out of a mole hill, especially for $0.75 a week.

Can you be anymore dramatic Fry saying bordering on Temper Tantrum.. Wow sounds like the Premium site might be perfect fit for you :)

Listen DP5555 is expressing his opinions! What's the big deal is that a bad thing?
Can you be anymore dramatic Fry
I could if you want, I mean it is possible.
Listen DP5555 is expressing his opinions! What's the big deal is that a bad thing?
If by "expressing his opinions" you mean rambling complaints about having a paid board when the free one is still there unchanged, then it's not a bad thing. Just a whiny thing. The free side is just as active as before...take a look and see.

DP5555 said himself that any breaking news stories wouldn't be secret anyway, and he also said he enjoys when people troll. So what does he have to complain about?
RIght, but simply by adding a premium board you are absolutely taking away from the free side. Because it creates a division in the site. So the free board won't have near as much participation. Which has already been an issue. Good posters will leave to join the premium board so the free side will be diluted.

Look, I own my own business. I get it. You have to pivot and adapt in order to survive because things change. I don't mean to be disrespectful of the decision you guys have made. I wish you luck with it. It's just a big pivot from where the site started and I'm not a fan. No hard feelings.

By the way, I don't think anyone likes trolls. It's just easy for me to either ignore them or have fun with them.

I can agree to disagree. We see it two different ways and won't change each other's opinion on the matter.

I don't believe there's going to be a big change from the traffic on the free boards because there's a premium board. I think there's a chance that the people posting in the premium board will, in large part, be people that stayed away from the free board for the reasons that have been mentioned. And, if they leave the free board for the premium board, they're speaking with their wallets that they wanted something other than what we were offering.

Again, it's not for everybody. It's a choice. There are people that don't want to just ignore or play with the trolls. It's not fun for them. They don't like it. I've heard from them.

Truthfully, though, we don't know what's going to happen until we see over a larger sample size of time. I have no reservations at all about making this move. I think it's a win-win.
I'm not sure why people would post differently if they had to use their real names. It's not like you, Jon, or Kirk know me by name anyway. I would still just be some random guy to everyone.

There is zero accountability with being anonymous. So people can just say whatever they want. If your neighbors or people from some organization like a church are on the same site and you all know each other then you are likely to be more respectable and civil and less childish in your remarks. Case in point is what Jon said about membership dropping way off in sites like that. It's hard to hide in the world we live once your name is out there with social media the way that it is now.

By the way I am speaking in generalizations when I said "less childish" that was not directed at you.
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There is zero accountability with being anonymous. So people can just say whatever they want. If your neighbors or people from some organization like a church are on the same site and you all know each other then you are likely to be more respectable and civil and less childish in your remarks. Case in point is what Jon said about membership dropping way off in sites like that. It's hard to hide in the world we live once your name is out there with social media the way that it is now.

Two counters to consider:
1) People are more likely to divulge "insider" information if they have anonymity. Just consider the ubiquity of the "anonymous source" in actual reporting. Most people on here probably are not privy to such info, but some are.

2) While I have not posted too many comments on here I would be embarrassed to have my name behind (there are few I would take back), I would have some concern about certain posters knowing my name. There are some on here who seem genuinely unbalanced, and I would rather not have them able to easily look up my address.
Two counters to consider:
1) People are more likely to divulge "insider" information if they have anonymity. Just consider the ubiquity of the "anonymous source" in actual reporting. Most people on here probably are not privy to such info, but some are.

2) While I have not posted too many comments on here I would be embarrassed to have my name behind (there are few I would take back), I would have some concern about certain posters knowing my name. There are some on here who seem genuinely unbalanced, and I would rather not have them able to easily look up my address.

LMAO........... "There are some on here who seem genuinely unbalanced, and I would rather not have them able to easily look up my address."

True dat is!!!
I could if you want, I mean it is possible.

If by "expressing his opinions" you mean rambling complaints about having a paid board when the free one is still there unchanged, then it's not a bad thing. Just a whiny thing. The free side is just as active as before...take a look and see.

DP5555 said himself that any breaking news stories wouldn't be secret anyway, and he also said he enjoys when people troll. So what does he have to complain about?

Please show me where I said "I enjoy when people troll"... I'm starting to think you have a reading comprehension issue. I said I don't let it bother me. I either ignore them or try and have fun with them if I'm bored. I don't get any enjoyment out of it. I just don't let it bother me. You learn to filter through it.
I can agree to disagree. We see it two different ways and won't change each other's opinion on the matter.

I don't believe there's going to be a big change from the traffic on the free boards because there's a premium board. I think there's a chance that the people posting in the premium board will, in large part, be people that stayed away from the free board for the reasons that have been mentioned. And, if they leave the free board for the premium board, they're speaking with their wallets that they wanted something other than what we were offering.

Again, it's not for everybody. It's a choice. There are people that don't want to just ignore or play with the trolls. It's not fun for them. They don't like it. I've heard from them.

Truthfully, though, we don't know what's going to happen until we see over a larger sample size of time. I have no reservations at all about making this move. I think it's a win-win.

Maybe. Or they just want to be a part of the premium board because they want access to your "insider info", and they feel like they are now missing out on the free board. Which I think will be the primary reason people do it, and then the free board will suffer because of it.

Anyways, I appreciate you and Jon both sharing your opinions and hearing me out. I know not everyone is going to feel the same. I like the idea of a free community where everyone shares the same experience. I thought that's what this site was dedicated to, and now that's changing. We'll see what happens to the free board. I have a feelings it's going to dry up even worse than it already is.
Have you thought about offering a free trial so people can see the difference and decide if they want to go forward with it after that? I just created an account after browsing for years because this sounds pretty interesting.

You need a free trial for a $3.99 offer?
Jon I'm looking forward to the new forum. Hopefully I can swing it into my budget.

I see that Cyclonefanatic is also adding a premium board that is ad free and will also include a golf tournament at Talons of Tuscany. Just curious if you have set a date for the HN golf tournament at Talons yet?

Where did you see this about CycloneFanatic? I just checked their site and didn't see any mention of it.
This seems like a good idea. It will be a matter of time before people are trolling on extra though. Not sure it's something I would pay for.
So will the new pay board and the old cheap bastards board have similar threads with the only difference being informed insider speculation vs troll speculation?

Seems like I've seen that in another board that had a pay feature. Someone would start a thread in both and then mention on the non pay thread you have to be a paying member to get the whole info. Kind of like when someone tells you they have a secret but can't tell you....
So will the new pay board and the old cheap bastards board have similar threads with the only difference being informed insider speculation vs troll speculation?

Seems like I've seen that in another board that had a pay feature. Someone would start a thread in both and then mention on the non pay thread you have to be a paying member to get the whole info. Kind of like when someone tells you they have a secret but can't tell you....

That's not a strategy we will look to employ. The tease approach pretty much alienates the majority of your users, and we are not looking to do that.

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