New entry way to the field??

Okay, many of you are clearly missing the point. I wasn't suggesting that we change back in black or anything like that. Just that take that plain old "Iowa Football sign down" and maybe put a cool Hawkeye symbol up. Something other than that plain concrete entrance that we come through. It's so funny to see how most of you react when anyone brings up anything about any change whatsoever. You freak the hell out! Take a note...get ready for a shock.....small change is many times good. Maybe that's why most Iowa fans are cool with going 7-5 almost every year or close to it.
So its a small change, but so big that it will cause more recruits to come here?

Does not compute.
I really think it would be a great thing to do something to update our entry way to the field at Kinnick. It's pretty bland "Iowa Football" compared to most other Big Ten teams and we all know that high school recruits love that kind of stuff. If you look at schools like Nebraska, the have a giant iron gate that the cheer leaders open up when the players come out and it says "NEBRASKA" in huge awesome letters above the entrance. Whoever makes these decisions must not be much of a visionary as we don't even have a tigerhawk at mid field and our press box has literally not one design on it whatsoever. I'm just thinking about these things to catch the eyes of potential recruits. What do you guys think about this?

Sorry, you're entitled to an opinion, but I disagree. The Hawkeyes have the best entrance in the B1G by far. Don't mess with success...
Iowa has a unique entrance that not many, if any other teams does except for a directional team that may be copying. Nothing should be changed. Iowa brands itself as not being flashy but all business & the entrance shows a united team.

The "swarm" all coming out slowly & united does send chills & I propose it may to some opponents as well. I think it's pretty cool & can't wait until the season begins. ;)
The Hawkeyes have the best entrance in the B1G by far. Don't mess with success...

I don't agree with this, but you still missed the point. He didn't say change the entrance, he said change the entry way.
I can't hear back in black, anywhere anytime, without getting excited for hawkeye football. in fact, I would like our state to pass a law that mandates radio stations and restaurants in Iowa are legally obligated to play the Iowa fight song immediately after they play back in black.
Okay, many of you are clearly missing the point. I wasn't suggesting that we change back in black or anything like that. Just that take that plain old "Iowa Football sign down" and maybe put a cool Hawkeye symbol up. Something other than that plain concrete entrance that we come through. It's so funny to see how most of you react when anyone brings up anything about any change whatsoever. You freak the hell out! Take a note...get ready for a shock.....small change is many times good. Maybe that's why most Iowa fans are cool with going 7-5 almost every year or close to it.

Your just a troll nebraska fan and whats worse than a Clown troll.... a butthusker troll get a effing life ******
I can't hear back in black, anywhere anytime, without getting excited for hawkeye football. in fact, I would like our state to pass a law that mandates radio stations and restaurants in Iowa are legally obligated to play the Iowa fight song immediately after they play back in black.

HA! That would be hilarious.
I can't hear back in black, anywhere anytime, without getting excited for hawkeye football. in fact, I would like our state to pass a law that mandates radio stations and restaurants in Iowa are legally obligated to play the Iowa fight song immediately after they play back in black.

Amen brother.
Some of you should stop fapping to AC/DC songs. It's kinda weird.
I'm thinking when the semi hits the opposing team mascot/logo a small controlled "explosion" breaks open a "boulder" in front of the tunnel releasing the swarm.

Break the Rock!

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