New entry way to the field??

You guys can really be *****. Herkey and Barney lead the team out to I love you, you love me blaring on the speakers. I know its a great idea because they won't have to stop holding hands.
Must be the offseason because otherwise everyone would have better things to do besides feed the filthy troll.
If you look at schools like Nebraska, the have a giant iron gate that the cheer leaders open up when the players come out and it says "NEBRASKA" in huge awesome letters above the entrance.

You must be new, son. The words "awesome" and "Nebraska" may not be used in the same sentence.

To violate this is the highest form of asshattery, nay, douchewaddery.
The war some teams follow some come out of the tunnel: purdue behind the train, OU with the wagon, Colorado with their buffalo, Georgia tech with that car...I always thought Iowa could follow out a giant, green, John Deere tractor out onto the field. Herky could drive, hold an Iowa lag out the window. Sponsorship deal. It would be funny. I'm not really serious, just daydreaming

Imagine the but butthurt over on cyfan if we came out behind a tractor. "But we are the ag school who do they think they are "

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