New Developments favor ISU joining the big ten

What's good about the Big 10 right now? Them and the Big East are the two worst football conferences in the far!

Add Notre Dame and Mizzou would be smart for the Big 10

It's not about wins, expansion is about fans and eyeballs. $22.5 million/yr per team from BTN. Once the new TV contracts are signed in a couple years, look for that number to go up by 50%.

Adding the Kansases and ISUs *shrink* that number to like $18.5 million per team.

They are not going to happen. Ever.
ISU to the BIG10 would make the rivalry more relevant.?.? I said it in another thread and I'll say it again. Geography should play a bigger part in this "shift" than expanding markets. I would rather go to away games in-state, Kansas, Missouri, etc than New Jersey, New York, or Maryland. I know money talks and to me that sucks for college football!
What's good about the Big 10 right now? Them and the Big East are the two worst football conferences in the far!

Add Notre Dame and Mizzou would be smart for the Big 10

Stability. The B10 Network. Huge television revenues. Quality academic Institutions. Great football tradition. What's good about the B12 right now?
ISU to the BIG10 would make the rivalry more relevant.?.? I said it in another thread and I'll say it again. Geography should play a bigger part in this "shift" than expanding markets. I would rather go to away games in-state, Kansas, Missouri, etc than New Jersey, New York, or Maryland. I know money talks and to me that sucks for college football!

Because Kansas and Missouri are so close for fans in State College and Columbus?
Why would you add Hamburger Helper(TM) to perfectly good USDA Prime beef?
What's good about the Big 10 right now? Them and the Big East are the two worst football conferences in the far!Add Notre Dame and Mizzou would be smart for the Big 10

Apparently being butthurt makes you ******* retarded too. My advice, step away from the keyboard and put your helmet back on, you may hurt yourself otherwise.
Why would the B1G grab teams that make everyone take a pay cut, just because of something the ACC did?

We're at the grownups table. We don't do things because Johnny did or because Sally might. We do things because they are logically expected to benefit us.

I'm totally baffled by this mentality so many have that we're gonna ignore our own self-interest as soon as some other conference does whatever :confused:

I'm not saying I like it or that it necessarily makes sense, but I think the rush is soon to be on (if it isn't already). "16 or bust"...I think that's where we're headed.
I am an ISU fan, but after watching the last couple of weeks the Big 10 really needs to add some quality teams as they are pretty bad. Not sure adding an ISu makes much sense right now as they already have 10+ mediocre teams.

If ISU does go to the Big East is it going to hurt you guys that you can't come up with these jokes anymore?
ISU to the BIG10 would make the rivalry more relevant.?.? I said it in another thread and I'll say it again. Geography should play a bigger part in this "shift" than expanding markets. I would rather go to away games in-state, Kansas, Missouri, etc than New Jersey, New York, or Maryland. I know money talks and to me that sucks for college football!

If it wasn't about money, there'd be no expansion talk to begin with and conferences would not be changing. Fortunately, if that were the case, we'd have none of this insane "ISU is a legitimate option for the Big Ten" talk.
I'm not saying I like it or that it necessarily makes sense, but I think the rush is soon to be on (if it isn't already). "16 or bust"...I think that's where we're headed.

NO ONE is going to add teams if they think it's going to cost them money. ISU will end up in some form of the Big XII, some form of the Big East, some combination thereof, or in a non-AQ conference.
I am an ISU fan, but after watching the last couple of weeks the Big 10 really needs to add some quality teams as they are pretty bad. Not sure adding an ISu makes much sense right now as they already have 10+ mediocre teams.

The Big10 can be sucking right now and it still 100x's more relevant then the Big 12 and makes money hand over fist above the Big 12. And stability in an unstable world is an amazing thing and amazing feeling. Instability breeds inferiority complexes. Point case: Iowa State
Because Kansas and Missouri are so close for fans in State College and Columbus?

I said "I" would rather travel to those away games. I don't care if the conference adds any more teams or stays pat. My only issue is that Maryland vs Iowa doesn't do much for anybody outside of those states. Why not add border states or current in-state schools? Closer proximity TO ME makes more of a yearly game then adding a school on the east coast. I would assume that the number of Iowa alumni are greater to the west than east.
Here’s is a list of D1 football teams that are members of the AAU not already in the big ten

AAU members that are probably not an option to join

Tex AM

AAU members that are options to join

Now if Rutgers, Pitt, join ACC and ACC raises exit fees which they are threatening to make it so high it’d be almost impossible to leave u can take out Rutgers, pitt and all already acc teams

That leaves

I agree with you guys that we’d take ND and Missouri and cap it at 14, but if for some reason down the road we wanted to get to 16 teams, and all acc teams were off the board Kansas and Iowa state would be likely. AAU membership is a big deal we make ten times the money from gov assisted research then we do in football. I still believe it’s highly unlikely, they went from gigantic longshot to a huge longshot, but it’s not impossible.
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I said "I" would rather travel to those away games. I don't care if the conference adds any more teams or stays pat. My only issue is that Maryland vs Iowa doesn't do much for anybody outside of those states. Why not add border states or current in-state schools? Closer proximity TO ME makes more of a yearly game then adding a school on the east coast. I would assume that the number of Iowa alumni are greater to the west than east.

I would disagree, Iowa probably has far more alumni in Chicago than anywhere else.
What's good about the Big 10 right now? Them and the Big East are the two worst football conferences in the far!

Add Notre Dame and Mizzou would be smart for the Big 10

You are basing this on 1 season, 3 games in. Good logic. The Big Ten has been the 2nd to 3rd best conference the last couple of years, and over the past decade plus most years. It also has more viewers than any other conference and leads the nation in attendance every year. The Big Ten is fine.

Now, it's clear this move by Pitt and Syracuse are going to change the face of college football. There are already reports that Texas, TTU, Oklahoma and OSU will be heading to the Pac 12/16. This seems likely to happen. Now, the Big East has some pride and has some tradition. They also have the best basketball conference in the nation, so they will not go quietly. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for the Big XII. So the most logical solution is that Kansas, KSU, Baylor, and ISU join the Big East. From a football standpoint the Big East does not lose a ton with Syracuse and Pitt, and adding these 4 teams makes up for that loss (along with the addition of TCU that is already scheduled). From a basketball standpoint Kansas and Syracuse are a wash. Pitt is a big loss, but K State, Baylor and ISU have solid programs. With these changes the Big East would be at 11 schools in football. Look for them to try to add one more to get to 12 (not sure who that would be yet, possibly another shot at Villanova). Missouri looks like they are destined for the SEC. If the ACC and SEC feel content with 14, then I think you will see expansion stop there. The B1G will only expand if Notre Dame feels as if they have no option, but to give up their independence. Otherwise the Big Ten is set at 12, and I really hope that is the case. Everyone has been clamoring about 4 16 team conferences, but we could very well end up with 5 "super" conferences with the Big Ten and Big East at 12 members, ACC & SEC at 14, and Pac (10/12/16) at 16. That would suit me just fine. These other leagues are going to water down their product and each school will have to split more revenue. Plus travel expenses will sky rocket, etc. The B1G will be the big big winner in all of this, not having sacrificed their tradition and still staying equally as competitive if not moreso. I have no problem with exapansion as long as the Big Ten doesn't do it, and like I said only Notre Dame will force the Big Ten to expand. Otherwise, we sit back relax and watch the carnage around us. It's great to be a Hawkeye and part of the Big Ten.
There might be .000000000001 chance ISU gets in the B1G and thats only if ND, Oklahoma and Texas also join. Chances are UNI would get asked before ISU because of football tradition
Some Iowa fans are beyond pathetic on this site. Friends, neighbors, parents, families are on edge because of the recent events and some freaking Iowa fans can only laugh about it. I am not an Iowa fan but I am a citizen of Iowa and I would wish this on no one especially my friends and family members that are Iowa fans. Stay cool.

Relax you were just telling us recently that the big 12 is going nowhere.

I have no idea how this turns out but it does look real bad for you clowns. I am watching cYclown fantastic forums and it's starting to get pretty bad over there. It is far and away the best site to keep tabs on the evolving news on the conference. Some of the posters over there are staring to become mentally unstable. I worry about some of them.
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I may do a little talking on this site but it is all in fun. Would never wish the current situation on anyone especially my friends and neighbors that a that.

Liar liar pants on fire. Methinks you would relish if this were happening to Iowa

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