New Developments favor ISU joining the big ten

I'm sorry, but if you are the Big Ten and you are sitting back watching conferences like the freaking ACC go 16 team, you are going to grab whoever's handy geographically. ISU fits the bill perfectly.

As Hawk fans we can like it or hate it...the Big Ten could care less. We are essentially a non-entity as far as the powers-that-be go within this conference.

Why would the B1G take whoever is handy? They can stay at 12 and be fine, or go to 14 or 16 if it makes sense. Rutgers, Missouri, Notre Dame and others are all still in play.

It's not impossible that Iowa State could be added, but I would put the likelihood at less than 2 percent.
Some Iowa fans are beyond pathetic on this site. Friends, neighbors, parents, families are on edge because of the recent events and some freaking Iowa fans can only laugh about it. I am not an Iowa fan but I am a citizen of Iowa and I would wish this on no one especially my friends and family members that are Iowa fans. Stay cool.
Baby crying - YouTube
Aren't you lucky you're not part of this crappy conference! We all feel the same way, lucky you're not part of it. Have fun in the whatever conference.

I love the double standard by these dumb****s. They think the B1G sucks yet they are begging to be asked to join it.
I agree with those that say ISU is a good fit for the Big 10 culturally and geographically. In a conference focused on the west there would be extremely short trips for fans to a number of locations (Nebraska, MN, UI, NW, Wisky, etc).

I think ISU would be a great fit for the Big 10 in every way but the money, and that's what this is all about.
No one has really argued..

Hey guys- congrats on a big comeback this weekend btw.

You can't deny that Iowa State can compete year in and year out just as good as Minnesota, Indiana, Purdue, and even NW/Illinois?

that from a academic/culture/geography fit that ISU wouldn't fit in the B1G. But as others have said, those are not the foremost factors. B1G is interested in drawing a national brand (think Notre Dame) or expanding the TV footprint (think Missouri or Rutgers).

And I don't think any recent comparison of ISU to Purdue, Northwestern or Illinois is favorable to the Cyclones. Illini have played in two BCS bowls in the last decade. Purdue's football history is MUCH better than the Cyclones. And Northwestern has been in the Rose Bowl twice in fairly recent memory.

I'm not as anti-ISU joining the B1G as many others are here, but it just does not seem like something that is likely given what Delaney has done in terms of conference expansion. The B1G is not in full-out save its hide mode like the ACC, Big East and B12.
I love the double standard by these dumb****s. They think the B1G sucks yet they are begging to be asked to join it.

I don't think the Big 10 sucks. I think this is a down year. Frankly I don't think there is a whole lot of difference between the Big 12, Big 10, PAC 10, and SEC the last decade or two. I think the ACC and Big East have been the only ones that wouldn't be at least comparable over that timespan. Realistically though, this season, you have MN, Indiana, and Purdue, probably three of the worst BCS level teams in the country this side of Kansas, and Ohio State and Michigan are still down.

I think ISU fans (and fans of teams in many other conferences) would give their left nut to join the conference because it makes money and it is stable. It makes geographic sense. In the new world of college football the only thing that provides stability is cash and the Big 10 is awash with it.
First off..

Some Iowa fans are beyond pathetic on this site. Friends, neighbors, parents, families are on edge because of the recent events and some freaking Iowa fans can only laugh about it. I am not an Iowa fan but I am a citizen of Iowa and I would wish this on no one especially my friends and family members that are Iowa fans. Stay cool.

many Iowa fans do not relish or enjoy what ISU is going through (to be sure some do).

But it's funny how these things work. Iowa State puts up a billboard in I-380 proclaiming that "It's a Cyclone State" and we're all supposed to just laugh and enjoy things. In the previous football contract, Iowa sent over the agreed-upon cut of the gate when Iowa State played at Iowa. And then Iowa State would turn around and not send Iowa that same percentage of the gate when Iowa played at ISU, but would instead send Iowa an average of that percentage of the gate for the entire year (when the Iowa game was the 1st or 2nd-most attended game at Jack Trice every year Iowa played there). And again, Iowa is supposed to just not say anything and shrug that off (look at those smart Cyclones and how they are squeezing every last nickel out of a contract, woohoo!)

Oh and lest we forget, the moderator of the Cyclone Report website wrote shortly after the 2007-08 offseason (right after the Satterfield-Everson incident occurred) that ISU needed to take advantage of the Iowa situation and how Iowa football was teetering on the edge of freefall and Iowa State "has a chance to help itself by contributing a shove that will send the Hawkeyes over the edge." Read the entire thing, it's petty, vindictive and over the top.

Anyone have that Paul Clark diatribe? - Hawkeye Lounge

I realize Paul Clark doesn't speak for the entire ISU fanbase, but now all Iowa fans are supposed to be concerned about Iowa State having a place at a BCS conference? Sorry, but it would be easier if those on the ISU side had shown more of a spirit of "cooperation" along the way.
I'm an ISU fan and frankly I'm borderline embarrassed by our fanbase over this topic. Dodds wrote an article last week about the Big 10 an expansion that I totally agree with. The big 10 is interested in two things, brands (Nebraska) or markets. ISU does not bring either. I don't think the Big 10 expands again until Notre Dame is ready to join up.

Granted I'm more positive than many ISU fans on how it will all shake out - however, anybody who thinks the Big 10 will be a safety net is considering something that is EXTREMELY unlikely to happen and would be totally out of character for how the Big 10 has currently gone about stuff.

I wish no ill on ISU,but they simply do not meet the conference's criteria to join the Big Ten. Do be offended...only ND and maybe Texas do meet that criteria.

Man I hope to all heavens that Texa$$ does not get invite to join the B1G... they will poison the waters with their arrogance. Look what their version of "fair" has done for the Big 12. :mad:
exactly. i personally dont want to see ISU hung out to dry but i certainly understand why many if not most hawkeye fans do. just go to cyclonefanatic and read the iowa comments. after a couple of minutes you will find yourself hoping that they have to drop sports all together. their overall fan attitude and articles like that one written by clark make it very easy for iowa fans to give ISU a big middle finger, and i find it hilarious.
I don't care one bit about ISU and wish them nothing but the worst. The very few fans who are respectful and intelligent are so few and far between that you think they are shining you on when you hear something that isn't ridiculous.

My only regret in what I am about to say is that ISU has several football victories over us, and Im not taking that away, they were legit victories. But because of that any time you say anything about their putrid fans they accuse you of sour grapes because of the football games.

ISU has a 3rd rate athletic program that does not belong in Division 1 anything. They are medicore in everything and will never be anything but a stepping stone to a better job. They should embrace being in the missouri valley or some lesser conference because they would compete on a yearly basis. This is a team that was in the same division as Kansas, Kansas State, Missouri, Colorado, and still could not get into the Big 12 championship game. If you can't be successful against those teams and during a period when Nebraska was very down you will never be competitive.

Quite frankly what will their "fanbase" lose if they are forced out of the BCS system? The answer is very little as they don't sell out their stadium now. The only game they sell out is Iowa and that is due to Iowa fans, NOT isu fans. They have no history in any sport and consistently fool themselves into thinking they will be nation contenders in all sports. You have been playing football for almost 100 years and have 3 bowl victories, 3. You couldn't keep your homegrown all american undefeated wrestling coach from bolting the first chance he had. You are a stepping stone, not a destination.

Now despite what isu fans may think you will never control this state. We could go 0-12 for a decade and hawk fans would still outnumber cyclone fans, just a fact, accept it. The University of Iowa is the premier academic and athletic institution in this state and that will NEVER change. You are a second rate land grant school, that will NEVER change.

I graduated from the university of Iowa and have been around the block a few times. I see ISU degrees in cubicles and I see University of Iowa degrees in corner offices

When all the dust settles ISU will not be in a BCS conference and you will better for it. Finally you will face the truth that you can't compete academically or athletically with premier institutions.

Good news is that you had a few football victories, congratulations, now you can sit back and read your newspaper clipping while you play SE Missouri State next year. I have no doubt your fans, and AD, and coaches, and players will talk and talk and talk the thing they won't be doing is anything relevant in college athletics.
ISU offers nothing but a whipping dummy to the B10. Baylor was the only team they were competitive with in the B12. Geographically they are sandwiched between Iowa and Nebraska. ISU and Baylor are looking to the Big East because they have almost no chance of getting into the B10.
ISU is a great fit for the Big 10 geographically, academically, and culturally.
Last, if the Big 10 is serious about academic prowess, they are looking at "Institutional Quality" and the ability of the school to support multiple Big 10 caliber programs. You can't deny that Iowa State can compete year in and year out just as good as Minnesota, Indiana, Purdue, and even NW/Illinois?

This post proves that cyclones have an exaggerated self perception. Like I said earlier my cousins in michigan gave me grief last week for Iowa losing in triple overtime vs a mid major. I caught myself attempting to defend ISU (but quickly gave up). The vast majority of college football-dom outside of the big12 don't even know ISU exists. and those that do view ISU as a mid major or even a FCS school. Now back to that cultural comment. Anyone who has been to Iowa City and Ames cannot miss the cultural gap.

I remember a few years ago talking to a clone fan who, along with his throng of blonde haired blue eyed farm friends, commented about walking around the ped mall after the I/I state game looking at all of the weirdos (weirdo meaning people of other cultures and race) ISU contributes NOTHING culturally to the BIG that Nebraska hasn't already added and that is White xenophobic farm kids from small towns.

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