New Developments favor ISU joining the big ten

I may do a little talking on this site but it is all in fun. Would never wish the current situation on anyone especially my friends and neighbors that are Hawk fans because they are still my friends and neighbors and thats what I love most about the rivalry. A rivalry is a rivalry what could happen to ISU goes beyond that.
Had to laugh when I saw this thread, cuz I was going to post the EXACT thoughts earlier this morning, but didn't pull the trigger b/c I knew it would be very unpopular.

The Big Ten has been highly selective, highly deliberate up to know, but that will be changing. Things are heating up very quickly and the Big Ten is very quickly going to find themselves in a position where they need to add teams's going to turn into a free for all power grab/consolidation - quantity over quality (and as much as that might sound like it, I truly don't mean that as a slam against ISU). Very high likelihood ISU gets pulled into the Big Ten, IMHO.
THIS! 1 million times! No way ISU gets a B1G invite.

I'm sorry, but if you are the Big Ten and you are sitting back watching conferences like the freaking ACC go 16 team, you are going to grab whoever's handy geographically. ISU fits the bill perfectly.

As Hawk fans we can like it or hate it...the Big Ten could care less. We are essentially a non-entity as far as the powers-that-be go within this conference.
Had to laugh when I saw this thread, cuz I was going to post the EXACT thoughts earlier this morning, but didn't pull the trigger b/c I knew it would be very unpopular.

The Big Ten has been highly selective, highly deliberate up to know, but that will be changing. Things are heating up very quickly and the Big Ten is very quickly going to find themselves in a position where they need to add teams's going to turn into a free for all power grab/consolidation - quantity over quality (and as much as that might sound like it, I truly don't mean that as a slam against ISU). Very high likelihood ISU gets pulled into the Big Ten, IMHO.

The Big Ten is never going to NEED to add teams so badly that they'd take Iowa State.

You're crazy.
Hawk7 pretty cool stuff right there. See the problem is ISU beat Iowa so maybe Iowa should contact the MVC? But I hold firm that a Big 10 offer may be made to ISU in the next round of expansion by the Big 10.
Hey I'm a Hawk fan, and I hope ISU ends up in the Mac, but anyone who is saying its 0% chance is naive to the situation. It's not impossible and all I'm saying it's higher probability then it was last week, even though that probability is still very very low.
I'm sorry, but if you are the Big Ten and you are sitting back watching conferences like the freaking ACC go 16 team, you are going to grab whoever's handy geographically. ISU fits the bill perfectly.

Again...getting to 16 teams by adding sub-par teams isn't going to happen. There's no reason to keep up with the ACC or Pac16 if it means adding ISU.

As Hawk fans we can like it or hate it...the Big Ten could care less. We are essentially a non-entity as far as the powers-that-be go within this conference.

You think OSU, Michigan, Wisconsin, Penn State, etc fans are clamoring to add Iowa State?
These threads are hilarious. The very notion that the B1G will ever expand via a "filler" team is either ignorance or plain stupidity.

ND/Texas...thats the long list for B1G expansion.
There is a zero percent chance of any of what this idiot wrote of coming true. The big ten is more apt to stand pat and not do a thing then stretch out to 16 with ISU being involved at all. There is a slight chance of going to 14 but thats only if ND is one of em and the other would have to be like an Oklahoma. And from what I've heard about them and TX Oky st and TT going to the Pac 10 you can pretty much scrap that idea. Don't look for the big ten to do a thing
I'm sorry, but if you are the Big Ten and you are sitting back watching conferences like the freaking ACC go 16 team, you are going to grab whoever's handy geographically.

Why would the B1G grab teams that make everyone take a pay cut, just because of something the ACC did?

We're at the grownups table. We don't do things because Johnny did or because Sally might. We do things because they are logically expected to benefit us.

I'm totally baffled by this mentality so many have that we're gonna ignore our own self-interest as soon as some other conference does whatever :confused:
just like the same link that proves you had a big east invite last summer.

if you did, you wouldn't have the news of Folly begging for a big east invite this weekend.

link? really?!


Go back and look. I'm actually an ISU fan for the last year that has been saying we never had an invite from the Big East
I am an ISU fan, but after watching the last couple of weeks the Big 10 really needs to add some quality teams as they are pretty bad. Not sure adding an ISu makes much sense right now as they already have 10+ mediocre teams.
Why would you add Hamburger Helper(TM) to perfectly good USDA Prime beef?

What's good about the Big 10 right now? Them and the Big East are the two worst football conferences in the far!

Add Notre Dame and Mizzou would be smart for the Big 10
TCU just joined a sinking ship may be a option it is a AAU school i believe and it opens the door to the Texas TV market and gives a foothold in recruiting, Louiville is another school that intrigues me, not a big time FB power but they are in SEC country and again opens up the southern TV market and they are a top notch BB program, then you have Houston that opens the door to the southern part of Texas as far as TV goes and they are on the rebound in BB and have had a good FB program, i doubt they will be down much longer with the talent in that state,, but in the end only the big Ten presidents know who will or won't get a invite, and in my opinion Iowa fans have never viewed ISU as being any good at anything and appear to be getting better in BB & FB, will be against the idea of letting the clowns in, as for TX & ND, i want nothing to do with either of them, i see nothing but trouble with those 2, their premadonna attitudes bother me, we have OSU, Michigan, PSU & Nebbie to deal with and don't need to had TX & ND
The big ten would never add Kansas and isu as a package. the bball argument is moot because all the money is in football. adding those two teams would actually decrease the money that goes to each school. the op took a false premise and added faulty logic on top of it.

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