New CyHawk Trophy Revealed

I think its actually a starving depression era family huddled around its last bushel of corn, trying to come to grips with the decision to eat their youngest child.

That's pretty good. However, I believe something else is going on here, and I apologize if someone else has made this point:
We don't need to play ISU anymore, it offers no real upside. However, there are still some holdouts who don't want the series to end. Therefore, insightful individuals in our a.d. decided to agree to the worst trophy in the history of football with the hope that it subconsciously helps some people to want to end this series.

It's genius through the appearance of incompetence.
My first thought was Holy ****! WTF did they do?

My second thought was that they used these guys as the model for the kid on the left.



Everyone in this room is now dumber for having looked at it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Why is the cy/hawk game, and also the heros game even sponsored? I don't know of any other trophy/rivalry game in the nation that's sponsored. So why does Iowa corn and hy-vee have to get in the middle of our football games? Your large enough companies, go spread your names somewhere else, football does not need dumb corporations. This new trophy sucks. Are we seriously stuck with this piece of crap. Almost every cyclone and hawkeye in and out of state hates it already. Redo now!!!
How bout this for a trophy, have the two helmets from the two teams placed in a corn field on top of the base with the scores from past games. Wow see I did a better job thinking up a new trophy then the stupid Iowa corn people. And it only took me 30 seconds. It represents football and corn. So there you go, make it happen now
Jon your Tweet about this:

"How about this...award new trophy w winner of the annual CyHawk series winner.. Bring back old trophy or nothing for FB game." Unfortunately, it's all about sponsership, they'd never go for it.
You know, it actually doesn't seem as pathetic after you notice that there might be some random, creepy, pedophile dude with dark hair and sunglasses peeking in the corner of the tent.
I hope in my life time we never lose to ISU but i would give some serious consideration to throwing the game so we didn't have to look at this POS if I was the coach.
I'm sure better pictures will come out later today, but here is what it looks like:


Which ever team wins this monstrosity the first time should take it to the top of the closest parking garage and drop it to the concrete below.

Follow that up with Biatch slapping whoever designed and approved this thing.
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Does anyone else notice the wife in the trophy look like she is about 16? Family values? The trophy makes the farmer look more like a pedophile.

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