New CyHawk Trophy Revealed

What was said to the person(s) designing this thing in terms of what it was going to be used for? Did the words "football rivalry" even get mentioned? I have not read 1 good comment about this thing (can't respect it with the word "trophy").
If you are on twitter please let @iowa_corn know directly what a fail and embarrassment this is. I'm still holding out hope that this is some sort of sick joke.
How do people keep their jobs?
The past year I've seen more marketing blunders between Iowa, the Big Ten, and others than I have in the past 10 years.

What the ****?!
What will hopefully be my final thought on the matter:

This is why all the older trophies are so much better. They all seem to have come about without the 'help' of PR idiots or at the highest dollar of some faceless corporation.
They should have had a contest. Give the people the chance to design it, and then vote. The design is good. It just doesn't belong on this type of trophy...
for some reason I can not figure out how to embed a photo so if you have twitter pull up the pic from above.
This trophy had to be designed by a ISU fan. Because now they have something to razz us for after we win the game. They will come over here in droves making fun of us for having to take that piece of crap home to display in our trophy case. They will claim ISU lost the game on purpose so they would not have to take it home.
The loser of the game is forced to prominently display the trophy in their trophy case.

If that's not motivation to win this game, then nothing is.
Let's make this a contest, which fanbase can hate the trophy more. We will score by number of posts in this thread vs the number of post in the thread on CF. Ready, go!
Let's make this a contest, which fanbase can hate the trophy more. We will score by number of posts in this thread vs the number of post in the thread on CF. Ready, go!

We're already three pages behind!!!! We need to step up the hate around here! lol
Sweet J-man above... that is awful. What is the point of this? Really?

This is going to be the joke of all of college football. "Iowa and Iowa State play for a starving, depression-era family." (You know they are depression-era, because no kids wear hats like that nowadays except on Halloween.)

The statute should be at least somehow related to the event for which it is the prize.

Iowa is going to appear to be dipped in cheese with all these things (Legends v. Leaders, Heroes Game (which I actually kind of like), and starving family trophy). This is a PC nightmare.

When Iowa brings it home this year, I hope they drop it in the Iowa River on the way to Kinnick...

Yeah. Nice Grapes of Wrath trophy!
This is a #&%^##% joke, right? That guy's face says it all..he's laughing..he is probably a Nebraska fan and they just pulled the sheet back and saw what Iowa and Iowa State were going to be playing for.

What in the freaking world? I dont care what the brass will say this signifies...its a damned football game..and the trophy goes to the winner. This looks like it should go to the winner of the Decorah Lutheran Potluck bakeoff winner

You are right Jon, his face says it all.