New Commit!

Maybe so. That said, I suspect that there are many who don't enjoy a thread taken over with petty arguments between two posters.

Completely agree. Norwalk was completely out of line and should be punished. I suggest a 2 week timeout from JD so we can all laugh at him and allow the takeover of board N00bs and alts to commence in full.
So basically, he had no major offers, and only minimal interest from B1G schools. On top of that, he's not particularly big or particularly fast. But a recruiting analyst based out of Michigan likes him, and is probably not biased at all towards a kid from his area.

Does that about sum it up?

So is he a troll, or just frustrated with the state of Iowa football? Lets find out, is 76 interested in actually discussing Hawkeye football?

Every program in the country this time of year is looking for fallback recruits. This usually includes some of the blue bloods. Their fallbacks are other programs 3*/4* recruits (see Michigan taking Hill from us). So that leave the other 90% of football programs that have to do some rock turning, and looking hard at the fallback guys.

There are only a select few players like Spearman that are left out there, and the rest of the spots will be filled with what you call "MAC level" kids. In Iowa's case, this staff has actually had pretty good success at finding these kids, and developing them. Does it always work? Of course not, as they are taking a shot at kids who aren't obvious D1 kids at first blush.

So it is a matter of perspective. Some of us look objectively at this staff and realize that while they have some serious problems right now, that this doesn't mean that every decision made, or every kid brought in is somehow worthless.
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Sometimes people get too caught up in measurables and need to just believe what they are seeing. ."

Or to caught up in who has offered. As for MAC, well I would rather have a kid with only MAC offers that would do anything to play at a higher level than one who plays at a higher level then drops back down (seems there have been a few of those in recent years).
As for measurables, they are so close anymore. You have lineman who can run a sub 5 and then you have super fast qb's and rb's, run what a 4.4? You have to dig deeper than just that to find the edge, but it can be found. It should be easy to over look an inch or two here or there and a few pounds, as long as they have very good skill for the position of need and most importantly, have that look in their eye. With that look anything is possible, the growth rate can go thru the roof. Without it, they may get slightly better, but pretty much your getting what your getting.
Completely agree. Norwalk was completely out of line and should be punished. I suggest a 2 week timeout from JD so we can all laugh at him and allow the takeover of board N00bs and alts to commence in full.

I don't think you understand how JD's time outs work or why they are given. They are for people who attack other posters, flood the forums with name calling, childish, rude or out of line material that is directed personally at another person, poster, player or staff member. Nothing Norwalk said was any of those things, you on the other hand probably walked the line as close as possible.

How about you learn the rule of "live and let live". If you don't agree with them state your point but also avoid name calling and being a jerk. Don't be "that guy" the one that runs around calling everyone stupid because they don't "get it", believe me everyone gets it. People aren't happy with 4-8 or the past three seasons. But coming on here and talking trash about a kid who only has MAC offers seems a bit premature considering it is only a week and a half away from NSD, who else was Iowa going to get? Maybe he turns into an NFL prospect, maybe he doesn't, maybe ne never plays a down. Considering half of Iowa's defensive backs that are in the NFL now were 2* players out of HS, this 3* guy might have other issues causing him to not have more offers. Maybe he was a late bloomer, maybe he had grade issues early one. Maybe he had injury or concussion problems.

Leave the kid alone, let him get his chance to prove himself. All while not becoming the newly most hated person on the board.
dave, you're fairly proficient at addressing the symptoms, but you've completely failed at focusing on the cause. You're no physician, fella.
Completely agree. Norwalk was completely out of line and should be punished. I suggest a 2 week timeout from JD so we can all laugh at him and allow the takeover of board N00bs and alts to commence in full.

Man.. you must be a pretty miserable **** to be around.
Don't hate on him. My game was absolute trash this morning. Deserved ever bit of what I got. That'll teach me not to get into a troll fight while hungover.

HFN, you didn't bring trash this morning. He doesn't realize that no one is happy, not even Kirk. But this kid could be more than a MAC level talent, we don't know why he only had those offers the way people are talking about him is he was underrated but there might be other reasons.

I for one am happy they didn't end up getting some 2* kid with no offers at any level.
That makes absolutely zero sense. Usually it's the kids from the middle of nowhere that have trouble getting attention and offers, not kids form one of the largest Metro areas in the United States.

I would agree with you if he were from the suburbs or a private school, but inner-city Detroit has notoriously terrible public schools that produces risky student-athletes off the field. College coaches know this and, all else being equal, are less likely to take the risk on someone from Detroit.

I'm not saying that King is necessarily a bad student or a bad kid; I don't know anything at all about him besides a few clips of him playing football and some stats. I'm saying this is more of a guilt-by-association/systematic issue.

Edit: Deleted the part about him changing schools. It turns out that the school itself changed names and locations, but it didn't actually change faculty or students. That's much less of a factor than I had thought.
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I would agree with you if he were from the suburbs or a private school, but inner-city Detroit has notoriously terrible public schools that produces risky student-athletes off the field. College coaches know this and, all else being equal, are less likely to take the risk on someone from Detroit. Couple that with the fact that King changed schools going into his senior year, potentially making it his recruitment more chaotic than normal, and there were definitely some factors at play against King. Not overwhelming factors, but some factors nonetheless.

I'm not saying that King is necessarily a bad student or a bad kid; I don't know anything at all about him besides a few clips of him playing football and some stats. I'm saying this is more of a guilt-by-association/systematic issue.

you blame the Detroit public schools for a student's off-court/field behavior? ORLY?
another registered republican/texan heard from
you blame the Detroit public schools for a student's off-court/field behavior? ORLY?
another registered republican/texan heard from

Is that what I said, or is that what you want me to have said?

I said, "Inner-city Detroit has notoriously terrible public schools that produces risky student-athletes off the field." Do you disagree with that statement in any way? Does anyone disagree with that statement in any way?
Is that what I said, or is that what you want me to have said?

I said, "Inner-city Detroit has notoriously terrible public schools that produces risky student-athletes off the field." Do you disagree with that statement in any way? Does anyone disagree with that statement in any way?

And, yes, I do blame the DPS (in part, but not in whole) for their student-athletes' classroom performance, which is a major aspect of "off-the-field" performance.
blame the parents, tiny Koresh. Everything starts at home; public school systems do the best they can, but sometimes it's "garbage in, garbage out".
In any event, DPS doesn't teach kids to be thugs, which is (at the very least) what you implied.
blame the parents, tiny Koresh. Everything starts at home; public school systems do the best they can, but sometimes it's "garbage in, garbage out".
In any event, DPS doesn't teach kids to be thugs, which is (at the very least) what you implied.

Not true, parents aren't responsible for their kids. It's all video games and musics fault.

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