New Commit!

I find 76 to be refreshingly amusing. He knows the emperor is nekkid, and ain't afraid to say so. Too few of that kind around here.
I find 76 to be refreshingly amusing. He knows the emperor is nekkid, and ain't afraid to say so. Too few of that kind around here.

And we're likely to be an extinct species after Kurt and the boys come home with a thrilling victory in the Menieke Weedeater Memorial Toilet Bowl next year, finishing 7-6 and earning another 10 year contract extension and raise to $5 million a year.
Oh snap! Grammar throw down! We got a badass here!

That's actually a spelling point, and has nothing at all to do with grammar.

I know that you're too stupid to understand this, but when you're attempting to make fun of other people, it's best not to make yourself look like a complete and total moron in the process.

Just a thought.
That's actually a spelling point, and has nothing at all to do with grammar.

I know that you're too stupid to understand this, but when you're attempting to make fun of other people, it's best not to make yourself look like a complete and total moron in the process.

Just a thought.

You're right Scorp. Mr. 42 post with an attitude problem sure is refreshing. I've always thought this place needs more newbies that think they run the joint.
You're right Scorp. Mr. 42 post with an attitude problem sure is refreshing. I've always thought this place needs more newbies that think they run the joint.

As opposed to someone such as yourself that has over 9,000 posts and yet still fails to grasp the basics of the English language, as well as the fundamentals of the game of football.
As opposed to someone such as yourself that has over 9,000 posts and yet still fails to grasp the basics of the English language, as well as the fundamentals of the game of football.

I'll give you the take down point for nailing my spelling error. However if you feel the need to test my basic knowledge of fundamental football, then please, fire away. Your type are a dime a dozen and usually last about two weeks here until Johnny Website pulls the trigger and bans you for overstepping the rules on calling out Kirk. Quite amusing really.
I'll give you the take down point for nailing my spelling error. However if you feel the need to test my basic knowledge of fundamental football, then please, fire away. Your type are a dime a dozen and usually last about two weeks here until Johnny Website pulls the trigger and bans you for overstepping the rules on calling out Kirk. Quite amusing really.

I thought I was an alt, and if that's the case, wouldn't it be likely that I had several other handles already lined up for just such an occasion?

You really need to make up your mind, as consistency and train of thought are quite obviously not your strong suits (do you have any, other than generally being a dumb*ss).

Morons like you may be easily dismissed via a simple banning, but that is most certainly not the case with a superior poster and intellect such as myself.
I thought I was an alt, and if that's the case, wouldn't it be likely that I had several other handles already lined up for just such an occasion?

You really need to make up your mind, as consistency and train of thought are quite obviously not your strong suits (do you have any, other than generally being a dumb*ss).

Morons like you may be easily dismissed via a simple banning, but that is most certainly not the case with a superior poster and intellect such as myself.

You're right. You win. I don't really have the desire to enter into this battle any more. I concede. Please, feel free to continue this thread conversation from the point before our little spat began.
You're right. You win. I don't really have the desire to enter into this battle any more. I concede. Please, feel free to continue this thread conversation from the point before our little spat began.

Wise move.

Declare defeat, go lick your wounds, regroup, and maybe someday you'll be lucky enough to make another run at me.

You'll still get your *ss kicked, though.

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