For example, a bedrock theory advanced by the red pill is that men are generally by their nature polygamous - they are wired to want to engage in "relations" frequently and with many different partners, particularly when young because we are loaded with testosterone. Men, in other words, will mate with almost anyone. Women, on the other hand, who have to bear the long term consequences of child birth and rearing, are hypergamous. They only want to mate with higher value males so that the higher value traits will be passed to offspring. In a world that operates like that, only the highest value males would sire the majority of children. Of course, that is bad for the long term viability of a society, hence a component of many Western and North African religions is designed to keep those tendencies in check by demanding chastity as a precondition to finding some form of eternal salvation. In a world where there was no government to enforce child support orders and no science to determine parentage, that makes a lot of sense. Of course, merely saying something like that is deemed "misogyny" because the so-called "thought leaders" in that space don't have a good retort to it, particularly in light of evidence in the modern world of 10-15% of males collecting something like 98% of the Tinder swipes or whatever the kids call it now.