My Hilton Experience

When they were booing Jok for assaulting their players hand with his eye, I think they cemented their legacy as the biggest bunch of ****** fans in college basketball. And frankly, I can't think of a close second.
Careful the names Pierre Pirce and Abe Satterfield ring a bell....Iowa athletes have been convicted for these types of changes quite a few time in the past 10 years.

Good god, what is wrong with clown fans? You are the one who needs to be careful here. As a matter of fact, if I were you I would just forget my screen name and password to Hawkeye Nation forever. Wow.
I've never posted here..I don't let's take a step back for a second. Yes we blew the game but you have to play 40 minutes and we got up 20 in 2nd half and just decided we could coast. Under no circumstances knowing that Isu is known for great comebacks should this have happened...but it did and Isu deserves credit for not giving up like we did last year.

as for the fans...both sides have idiots..both. Hilton is probably one of the top 7-8 toughest places to play in all of college bball and I envy that because their fans will them to win at times. If My Hawks were ranked in the top 5 and we were getting crushed by 20 in the 2nd half and we came back to win on basically a last second shot you better believe Hawk fans would storm the court given its our rival. If Isu had just came back from down 20 to Wisconsin-Green Bay and stormed the court then that's a problem. It's a rival fellas and we'd do the same...and I'd love every bit of it.
Thank you cyfan.
Surprised Hilton wasn't condemned after it flooded out in 2010.


Probably still stinks like McDonald's fish sticks.
That's not the flood, it's from the cyfans who're to stupid to find a restroom so they did what they do at home.
Hhhmmm pretty sure Iowa didn't make it to the sweet 16 last year.... You guys got lit up in the round of 32.. I like how you say "again" as if Iowa out performs ISU on a regular basis even though it had been what? Over a decade since Iowa made it to the round of 32? And yes getting upset in the in the 1st/2nd round last year was an embarrassing end to what was a solid season. Maybe by year 10 fran will be able to pick up his second win against ISU.. what is he now 1-5?
Take the hawk out of your username and we'll have an honest indication of who you are. Don't come back and try to tell us how you're a fan of both teams. That's about as weak as your attempt to be a Hawkeye. Just another cyfan troll.
sorry to hear - will miss your contributions - financial and otherwise - to the University of iowa....

Bryce is the one in the center, right?
Da Clowns had exactly 1 more regular season win than the Hawks last year. It is pretty funny that "you guys" flamed out in the game that matter the most though with an ugly and embarrassing loss to UAB, who got smoked by a pretty bad UCLA team the next round. Oh yeah, and Da Clowns have made 1 more round of 32 over the last decade than, you guys are just "killing it"....LOLOLOL....I mean ISU has made 4 sweet 16's total in their history, exactly 1/2 the number of Sweet 16's Iowa has made.

Why do Clowns always judge their team based on their record vs Iowa? I mean shouldn't you judge your team on the fact that they have made 4 consecutive NCAA tournament vs Iowa's 2? I mean do you judge ISU on their regular season record vs Kansas over the last 5 years (2-8)?? The team you claim you care about beating the most? It is the same pathetic thing you do in football as well. You quote Da Clownies record vs Iowa, because only da #SuperBowl matters to you guys.
But clowns can always claim their final fou, wait a minute, what?
Take the hawk out of your username and we'll have an honest indication of who you are. Don't come back and try to tell us how you're a fan of both teams. That's about as weak as your attempt to be a Hawkeye. Just another cyfan troll.

no hawk fan uses cy in any part of their username, now there are specific examples where i am incorrect - - but in the case of the poster you refer to - uh, no.
Da Clowns had exactly 1 more regular season win than the Hawks last year. It is pretty funny that "you guys" flamed out in the game that matter the most though with an ugly and embarrassing loss to UAB, who got smoked by a pretty bad UCLA team the next round. Oh yeah, and Da Clowns have made 1 more round of 32 over the last decade than, you guys are just "killing it"....LOLOLOL....I mean ISU has made 4 sweet 16's total in their history, exactly 1/2 the number of Sweet 16's Iowa has made.

Why do Clowns always judge their team based on their record vs Iowa? I mean shouldn't you judge your team on the fact that they have made 4 consecutive NCAA tournament vs Iowa's 2? I mean do you judge ISU on their regular season record vs Kansas over the last 5 years (2-8)?? The team you claim you care about beating the most? It is the same pathetic thing you do in football as well. You quote Da Clownies record vs Iowa, because only da #SuperBowl matters to you guys.

You know why Dean.... little brother syndrome.
All fan bases have ****** bags. I could paint all Iowa fans as meat head, rapists based on the poor interaction I had with Iowa fans at Jack Trice. I could say that Iowa fans suck so bad that their own bb team told them off on twitter because of how big of d-bags some were. But I know that each fan base has tools. Don't pretend that your fans are somehow more classy when we all know the Iowa fans that are less than admirable. I know the Iowa State fans that equally suck.

I am getting here for the end of this conversation, but Dean you are completely wrong in terms of post season success for the last ten years. Iowa has made the round of 32 just once while ISU has made it 4 times in the last 10 years. I know that Iowa has more success in terms of history, but that is a moot point when discussing the success of individual seasons. In addition to that, as I stated earlier in another thread, Iowa is far from the biggest game for me. KU easily beats Iowa in terms of importance. You state that we are 2-8, when again that number is wrong. In just the last 4 meetings ISU is 3-4 against the Jayhawks. If you are going to start pulling records and stats, you may want to double check your numbers beforehand.

In the last four games, ISU is 3-4? I taught math for 14 years, but even with the new, politically correct, common core math those figures don't add up.
All fan bases have ****** bags. I could paint all Iowa fans as meat head, rapists based on the poor interaction I had with Iowa fans at Jack Trice. I could say that Iowa fans suck so bad that their own bb team told them off on twitter because of how big of d-bags some were. But I know that each fan base has tools. Don't pretend that your fans are somehow more classy when we all know the Iowa fans that are less than admirable. I know the Iowa State fans that equally suck.

I am getting here for the end of this conversation, but Dean you are completely wrong in terms of post season success for the last ten years. Iowa has made the round of 32 just once while ISU has made it 4 times in the last 10 years. I know that Iowa has more success in terms of history, but that is a moot point when discussing the success of individual seasons. In addition to that, as I stated earlier in another thread, Iowa is far from the biggest game for me. KU easily beats Iowa in terms of importance. You state that we are 2-8, when again that number is wrong. In just the last 4 meetings ISU is 3-4 against the Jayhawks. If you are going to start pulling records and stats, you may want to double check your numbers beforehand.
Cyfans always want to insert their own time frames to fit there argument yet claim you can't go by the all time history because then their argument fails. By the way should I say all ISU fans, players, administration are all rapists because I know 1 guy and two girls who went to an ISU basketball game and the security guards drug them out of the way and beat the guy unconscious and raped the two girls. They called the lames police who told them they'd take their statement but they should just go back to Iowa City because there were so many people there that the'd never be able to find the people who did it.
Every cyfan says the Kansas game is the most important game yet they spend all year long yacking about beating Iowa and making excuses for when they lose. Once a little brother, always a little brother.
I know the Iowa State fans that equally suck.

The only thing ISU is better than IOWA at is having fans that suck.
What is it with Iowa fans and using inaccurate facts in their arguments. ISU has made the round of 32 3 times in the last ten years, 4 times if you go back 11 with a couple tournament championships as well. Iowa has made 1 appearance. Lol and I brought up head to head because you are arguing about who had the better season/team. I think head to head is valid data for a head to head argument.... Lol

I guess this is my bad. I didn't know that bragging on getting to the round of 32 was a "thing". I mean seriously WhoTF brags about getting to the round of 32? I just assumed you were talking sweet 16's, as that is something to talk about. But if you wanna talk round of 32, Iowa has been there lately (like this year) and ISU hasn't. So well, we got that if I wanted to make some lame azz brag??? Or the fact that Iowa has made 17 round of 32's compared to ISU's 12. Now honestly I could be 1 or two off on those numbers, as I did a really quick search. Once again I can't believe you are trying to brag on round of 32???? Most normal people talk about making the NCAA's and getting to the sweet 16.
I think that due to clown fan behavior the series should be suspended. It happened before against both the clowns and Illinois. It is to the point where there are serious safety concerns. Just suspend the series now before clown fans do anything worse.
Yea, I think it's pathetic when fan bases boo every foul called, when the foul is clearly evident it was a foul. I noticed that on TV. Annoying. I can understand the court storm after coming back from really never leading the entire game to win on a last second shot. No problem with that.
Been to both venues many times. Booing excessive both places

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