Music Thread

I sort of climbed from out from underneath my "1982 music drop out status" because of these guys.

Ed Roland did a decent job. Were they grunge? Perhaps? Were they rock? Certainly. Could they bring it? Definitely.


A pretty polarizing group...sort of like Nickelback. Love em or hate em, choose a side.
I fall in the former group.
While not at his best, when he sang "God Bless America" during a 2010 7th inning stretch of a world series game, as a retired Navy officer, I appreciated the effort.

I've attended, ummm, roughly 50 concerts. I've seen a handful of groups twice (Kansas, Doobies, Little River Band, Head East), but have only made the effort to hear one performer live three times and that is JT.
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Molded by Roy Orbison and collaborator with Glenn Fry/Eagles, JD had a pretty good hit with this one.

Live at Carnegie of my first albums ever.

My fifth grade teacher was a guy named Roger Parazaider. His cousin is Walter Parazaider, the sax/flute/wind player for Chicago. Twice that year he brought us photos of concerts he got to attend backstage. Very cool stuff, and Kath was a "mover" when he played.
One of those that not sure to enjoy or laugh at it.

If anyone remembers Burger Palace--Seth, just own it, sport--I was in there one night when I heard Dr. Hook's "Baby Makes Her Blue Jeans Talk" coming from their jukebox. Song ended, then started right up again. I was sitting in a booth with my food, half eating, half reading, as I had a couple mid-terms approaching.

Song ends--again--and then starts back up--again. I look to the jukebox to see this guy getting up to put more money in, obviously ripped out of his mind, on Lord only knows what. He proceeds to drop, no lie, about thirty bucks in change ALL OVER the damn floor in the front of the juke. He kneels down to gather it up, all the while rolling his head in circles to the music. I looked over to see the staff all looking at each other with a "WTF, do we call the cops?!" look.

Haven't been able to hear a single Dr. Hook song since then without thinking back on that!
If anyone remembers Burger Palace--Seth, just own it, sport--I was in there one night when I heard Dr. Hook's "Baby Makes Her Blue Jeans Talk" coming from their jukebox. Song ended, then started right up again. I was sitting in a booth with my food, half eating, half reading, as I had a couple mid-terms approaching.

Song ends--again--and then starts back up--again. I look to the jukebox to see this guy getting up to put more money in, obviously ripped out of his mind, on Lord only knows what. He proceeds to drop, no lie, about thirty bucks in change ALL OVER the damn floor in the front of the juke. He kneels down to gather it up, all the while rolling his head in circles to the music. I looked over to see the staff all looking at each other with a "WTF, do we call the cops?!" look.

Haven't been able to hear a single Dr. Hook song since then without thinking back on that!
Remember the Burger Palace very well.

It was better food than the Iowa Memorial Union, anyway.
Didn't they have colored dots on the plastic boxes to designate what sandwich it was?
I remember that yellow was a chicken fritter, green was a pork fritter.
And those bastards may have been sitting under the heat lamps since Thursday.
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Remember the Burger Palace very well.

It was better food than the Iowa Memorial Union, anyway.
Didn't they have colored dots on the plastic boxes to designate what sandwich it was?
I remember that yellow was a chicken fritter, green was a pork fritter.
And those bastards may have been sitting under the heat lamps since Thursday.

I basically went there for the fried mushrooms!

Dude, you went to the wrong spot in the IMU. The sandwiches downstairs, and those 95-cent tacos, were absolutely hit-the-spot good! The upstairs cafeteria also wasn't bad, with those steak sandwiches and steak-cut fries.

What went from good-to-godawful in a huge way was House of Subs. It was actually decent when I arrived in IC. Mercifully, The Sports Column took over that space.
I basically went there for the fried mushrooms!

Dude, you went to the wrong spot in the IMU. The sandwiches downstairs, and those 95-cent tacos, were absolutely hit-the-spot good! The upstairs cafeteria also wasn't bad, with those steak sandwiches and steak-cut fries.

What went from good-to-godawful in a huge way was House of Subs. It was actually decent when I arrived in IC. Mercifully, The Sports Column took over that space.
Completely forgot the union tacos. Those and the pizza slices were pretty good.

Was there last April when my then high school junior daughter took a college visit. The bottom two floors of the IMU have been completely remodeled since the flood.

Obviously the Sports Column is going strong. I dropped some coin in that establishment in my day.
Completely forgot the union tacos. Those and the pizza slices were pretty good.

Was there last April when my then high school junior daughter took a college visit. The bottom two floors of the IMU have been completely remodeled since the flood.

Obviously the Sports Column is going strong. I dropped some coin in that establishment in my day.

The IMU was different even back in 2003. Is the game room still even there?
Do you remember when the radicals "kicked the CIA off campus"?
No but I remember the protest outside Jessup Hall, and subsequent storming of President Freedman's office, because he was using University money to invest in South African business interests. This was during the Apartheid era and students were demanding divestment.

All this "Iowa" talk made me post this tune.

We'd go to Whitfield's for dime draw night (Wednesdays).....the Liner of course.
We had MedChem tests every Friday morning. Then it was off to Magoo's and the buzz was on!
Then we'd hit the union on Friday's for beer and popcorn. Any Friday afternoon class was rarely attended, or if so, rarely remembered.

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