Music Thread

Excellent! My personal Ozzy era fave is probably N.I.B.
To me, War Pigs is on a whole other level, but N.I.B. is another, no doubt. Great tune. You could make an argument that early Sabbath has the top 4 or 5 metal songs of all-time.

No band, and I mean, no band, had a better rhythm section and transitions. Just an incredible collection of talent. It may sound corny, but I still literally get goose bumps listening to those tunes on the right sound system.

I'll throw out another great early metal tune, and before Peart no less...

Competitor to the throne...

I could post 50 Zeppelin tunes, I mean c'mon, but this one is a unique mix of metal and psychedelics, served best with eyes closed and headphones...

My favorite Zeppelin album, at the pinnacle of their career before debauchery and substance abuse began to take their toll. "Houses" had so much range, so much textural range, so much Jimmy as a genius, Robert singing at his best. Zeppelin was known for their blues influences, but aside from the chorus of "Over The Hills and Far Away" there wasn't a ton of it here. Maybe "The Crunge" but their were strong James Brown influences there. I would put Zeppelin's rythym section right up there with Sabbath's. You can't go wrong either way and the difference would probably be splitting hairs. "No Quarter is one of the most spine chilling songs ever recorded. Clearly the best band in the world from 1971-73 but thanks to the guarded cloak of secrecy manager Peter Grant kept over the band they didn't get as popular as they deserved to be until after Bonham's death.
You could do a whole new thread on how Grant changed the business of rock n roll and made a lot of bands, not just his own, rich young men. Their reluctance to release singles, for starters, forcing the customer to shell out for the entire LP.
There was a thread on here in the "misc" section a few years ago which dealt with bowel movements. That thread still ranks as #1 in length I believe (pun intended). It eventually got the ban hammer.

"Crapping Your Pants At Work", aka "CYPAW". It was legendary. In a good way.
Jules Alexander wrote and sang lead on "Dubuque Blues". Why does that obscurity hold a special place in my heart? No. 1 is featured a great bass line from long deceased Brian Cole and No. 2 I lived at the time about three blocks from the parking ramp sock hop that inspired the song.

Not bad for a guy from Nashville. I guess Nashville and Dubuque have something in common...somehow!

He was a really nice guy, enjoyed spending the evening with him. No ego, no bitching about being on the road, no reminiscing about the way it used to be or "kids these days..." moaning. Just a nice guy who loved playing music.

Anyone remember when they played Crow's Nest (not the huge one on Dubuque St, the old one next to Gabe's) in Spring of 1983? It was between Spring semester and Summer session. Very "blah" show, until they played that song, which brought everyone away from the bar and onto the dance floor.

Talk about a one-hit wonder that also milked the living crap out of it with re-issues, remixes, re-releases, and movie placements beyond all normal levels. Good song, but still...

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