Music Thread

My mom, still with us today, had Neil Diamond's Hot August Night as an eight track and absolutely wore the bastard out. My personal fave, not sure if it's on "Hot August Night", was "Shilo". I was kind of a loner when I was young. When we went to my aunt and uncle's for family gatherings I would only occasionally play with the other kids. What I would do was toss tennis balls at my uncle's propane tank and catch them as they rolled back down the hill. It wasn't until I was much older that I found out that Shilo was a friendless boy's imaginary pal. So appropriate.
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One of my favorite songs as a kid. I actually met the band in 1987 when they were doing one of those "bring back the 1960s" mall tours. They played a couple Central Florida malls, as well as some bigger gigs. I worked with the cousin of one of the founding members, Jules Alexander, and had dinner and drinks with him after the mall gig.

Amazing how, even then, when he was in his 40s, young groupie types kept following him/us around. One kept popping up everywhere, be it bar, restaurant, different bar, etc. She claimed to have an "intimate friendship" with departed member Terry Kirkman. To his credit, Jules let it pass, i.e., he didn't ask why she didn't know Kirkman had left/wasn't touring if they were such good friends.
Jules Alexander wrote and sang lead on "Dubuque Blues". Why does that obscurity hold a special place in my heart? No. 1 is featured a great bass line from long deceased Brian Cole and No. 2 I lived at the time about three blocks from the parking ramp sock hop that inspired the song.
in another 5 years it may approach the greatness of the "stross thread 'who is troy straus?"
There was a thread on here in the "misc" section a few years ago which dealt with bowel movements. That thread still ranks as #1 in length I believe (pun intended). It eventually got the ban hammer.
My mom, still with us today, had Neil Diamond's Hot August Night as an eight track and absolutely wore the bastard out. My personal fave, not sure if it's on "Hot August Night", was "Shilo". I was kind of a loner when I was young. I used to sing this song while tossing tennis balls at my uncle's propane tank and catching them as they rolled back down the hill. It wasn't until I was much older that I found out that Shilo was a friendless boy's imaginary pal. So appropriate.
Too funny. My parents had ND's greatest hits on an eight track. The eight track was a portable unit which sat on top of our home stereo (the kind where you pushed down on the top and it clicked and sprung open)....connected via an AUX plug. We air-guitar'ed to that for hours.

And this is how it all started for first concert in the spring of 1973 at the Surf in Clear Lake. They opened for REO.

My best buddy in high school drove a three-on-the-tree chevy C10 with box speakers in the upper rear corners of the cab. (I think they were one-ways).

Not a joy-ride went by without us cranking this out on his eight track.
I bought a Leon Russel album once. Told my friends and it was like the needle scratching off the record, the place got quiet, everyone got serious and looked at me with furrowed brows and said "what the F.... for ?"
Movie Scores....

these take some getting used to but after that they can be great listening.

I really enjoy Steve Jablonski's work in all the Transformer movies. Hans Zimmer's work is great too.

This one grew by Steve Jablonsky grew on while driving or in a quiet moment sometime.

This one is awesome as well 3 numbers from Gladiator by Hans Zimmer


I played this to death.. Bad Motor Scooter, Rock the Nation and Space Station #5. I was into it before anyone else I hung around with... (which is very cool by the way)

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