MSU Story Keeps Growing - Larry Nassar's Boss Arrested

just pray it away

There is an Iowa legislator who opposes lifting statutes of limitations on child abuse who is afraid the Catholic Diocese will be bankrupted. Engler is basically doibg the same thing.
And why would that be bad?? That's what needs to be done anyway... Organized religion is just big business with no regulation of any kind pretty much. If all these religions put even 50 cents of every dollar they bring in to actually helping the poor and causes that they claim to they'd be doing some major good. But shit anyone that thinks their anything but selfish scam artists can just keep living in their bubble...
As one pundit once stated, if you knew there was a company that you frequented and you found out that they were routinely molesting children, would you still go there?
And why would that be bad?? That's what needs to be done anyway... Organized religion is just big business with no regulation of any kind pretty much. If all these religions put even 50 cents of every dollar they bring in to actually helping the poor and causes that they claim to they'd be doing some major good. But shit anyone that thinks their anything but selfish scam artists can just keep living in their bubble...

I didn't give comment and understand your sentiment. This legislator was one of the big opponents to changing the statute of limitations. The proponents wanted no limits (which I support personally). His sentiment is exactly what Engler has. Engler is trying to protect the university and pander to the supporters.

Shame is the hardest thing for abuse victims to overcome. Most people should or need to feel some shame over things they do. The most suffering shame is that brought about by something someone did to you. No way they are doing this for attention. Anyone who watched any of the court hearings would know that.

Engler is not stupid. He may be ignorant. He is doing it for the state and for the university. There is a small crowd at every university that are pro that university no matter what. This situation has the potential to do real financial damage to MSU. That said, Iowa is not immune. For every legislator that will protect the Davenport Dioces no matter what, there is someone who will protect the university of Iowa. Engler have to make most Michiganders happy. He needs to make the Board of Regents happy. They have a real problem.
This guy either has no soul or is a simpleton. Or both. How disrespectful to the victims and completely callous. In this day and age where do you find people like him?
Human Nature can come with BLINDERS on. My observation. Decency FIGHTS Hard and does not quit!
I didn't give comment and understand your sentiment. This legislator was one of the big opponents to changing the statute of limitations. The proponents wanted no limits (which I support personally). His sentiment is exactly what Engler has. Engler is trying to protect the university and pander to the supporters.

Shame is the hardest thing for abuse victims to overcome. Most people should or need to feel some shame over things they do. The most suffering shame is that brought about by something someone did to you. No way they are doing this for attention. Anyone who watched any of the court hearings would know that.

Engler is not stupid. He may be ignorant. He is doing it for the state and for the university. There is a small crowd at every university that are pro that university no matter what. This situation has the potential to do real financial damage to MSU. That said, Iowa is not immune. For every legislator that will protect the Davenport Dioces no matter what, there is someone who will protect the university of Iowa. Engler have to make most Michiganders happy. He needs to make the Board of Regents happy. They have a real problem.
I don't think shame is something political folks or school administrators ever get a taste of... Money and greed fuels every decision they make. Those folks and their families affected by Nassar and then the subsequent handling of all this have had such an enormous disservice placed upon them. It's too bad they can't just bankrupt the school take all their $ and shut it down
What troubles me as much as anything about this mess is that it seems no one associated with the university wants to come right out and admit how bad this is and has gotten. EVERYONE is taking a chapter in C.Y.A. - and that includes both Dantonio and Izzo.

Because of that, this is only going to get worse and worse until somebody - or some group - grabs this thing and takes some kind of truly decisive - and yes REALLY drastic action.
What troubles me as much as anything about this mess is that it seems no one associated with the university wants to come right out and admit how bad this is and has gotten. EVERYONE is taking a chapter in C.Y.A. - and that includes both Dantonio and Izzo.

Because of that, this is only going to get worse and worse until somebody - or some group - grabs this thing and takes some kind of truly decisive - and yes REALLY drastic action.

I don't think shame is something political folks or school administrators ever get a taste of... Money and greed fuels every decision they make. Those folks and their families affected by Nassar and then the subsequent handling of all this have had such an enormous disservice placed upon them. It's too bad they can't just bankrupt the school take all their $ and shut it down

wow. That is painting a very large group of people with a really broad brush. You should know better.
Those parents that blindly hand their kids to these folks to me are way too trusting. Not saying they are asking for bad things to happen. But they sure aren't preventing the preventable either. I mean I'm not letting some quack or coaches I don't know just take over responsibility of my kid and have them alone in a room without me for any amount of time. There's just no reason for it. I used to be of the sort to trust till you give me a reason not to but in my early adulthood that flipped completely for me. If my kid couldn't be a star Olympic gymnast or whatever because I wouldn't allow them to travel alone or do those things with them then so be it. I'd rather have her innocence intact rather then have all that fame and money. Some folks might just be cool with that trade. But not me.
Those parents that blindly hand their kids to these folks to me are way too trusting. Not saying they are asking for bad things to happen. But they sure aren't preventing the preventable either. I mean I'm not letting some quack or coaches I don't know just take over responsibility of my kid and have them alone in a room without me for any amount of time. There's just no reason for it. I used to be of the sort to trust till you give me a reason not to but in my early adulthood that flipped completely for me. If my kid couldn't be a star Olympic gymnast or whatever because I wouldn't allow them to travel alone or do those things with them then so be it. I'd rather have her innocence intact rather then have all that fame and money. Some folks might just be cool with that trade. But not me.

What you are basically saying tho is I won't let my kids do things in life out of fear of something bad happening. You really won't let your kid chase their dreams because of the relatively small chance something bad could happen?

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