Check this article out. It's pretty darn long but needless to say Dantonio and Izzo both are in some hot water. That whole damn school pretty much deserves the death penalty if even some of this is true. I'd heard an ESPN gal yesterday pretty much say that but that was prior to me reading any of this. At the time I heard her I thought she was just bloviating but now... I'm not sure even that'd be enough.
Check this article out. It's pretty darn long but needless to say Dantonio and Izzo both are in some hot water. That whole damn school pretty much deserves the death penalty if even some of this is true. I'd heard an ESPN gal yesterday pretty much say that but that was prior to me reading any of this. At the time I heard her I thought she was just bloviating but now... I'm not sure even that'd be enough.